What is a Podcast? How can they be used in the classroom?
“A podcast is a series of audio or video files on the Web that can be cataloged and automatically downloaded. “ Vincent, T. (2009, April). Podcasting for Teachers & Students. Retrieved May 2011, from Learning in Hand: RSS
Audio Enhanced Video
On the Internet iTunes Create your own
Scholastic Podcasts MathGrad Free audio stories for kids Many more. Can do a search on web to find numerous sites that offer free podcasts.
Desktop computers Laptop computers Pocket PC’s iPod Any MP3 player device Cellular phones Can be placed on a CD
Brainstorming Time!!!! Following this short exercise, we will watch a short video on integrating podcasts into the classroom.
Record a class lesson/activity Record instructions Support emerging readers Reinforce hard concepts Record classroom books Classroom news
Reading fluency Interviews Music or poetry performance Speech Alternative way to create a report Class projects
Vincent, T. (2009, April). Podcasting for Teachers & Students. Retrieved May 2011, from Learning in Hand: es/Podcasting_Booklet.pdf