Economy facts Of New York! ! By Nick KingBy Nick King
Ny city Economy Facts market value in the city, at $1.1 billion in Canada is a very important economic partner for the state. 21% of the state's total worldwide exports went to Canada in Tourism from the north is also a large part of the economy. Canadians spent US$487 million in 2004 while visiting the state.
Ny City Economy Facts New York City is the leading center of banking, finance and communication in the United States and is the location of the New York Stock Exchange, the largest stock exchange in the world by dollar volume. Many of the world's largest corporations are based in the city.
Ny City Economy facts The state also has a large manufacturing sector that includes printing and the production of garments, furs, railroad equipment and bus line vehicles. Many of these industries are concentrated in upstate regions.
Ny City Economy facts New York City is the leading center of banking, finance and communication in the United States and is the location of the New York Stock Exchange, the largest stock exchange in the world by dollar volume. Many of the world's largest corporations are based in the city. financeNew York Stock Exchange
Ny City Economy Facts The state also has a large manufacturing sector that includes printing and the production of garments, furs, railroad equipment and bus line vehicles. Many of these industries are concentrated in upstate regions. Albany and the Hudson Valley are major centers of nanotechnology and microchip manufacturing, while the Rochester area is important in photographic equipment and imaging.Rochester
Ny City Economy Facts New York is a major agricultural producer, ranking among the top five states for agricultural products such as dairy, apples, cherries, cabbage, potatoes, onions, maple syrup and many others. The state is the largest producer of cabbage in the U.S. The state has about a quarter of its land in farms and produced US$3.4 billon in agricultural products in 2001.
Ny City Economy Facts The south shore of Lake Ontario provides the right mix of soils and microclimate for many apple, cherry, plum, pear and peach orchards. Apples are also grown in the Hudson Valley and near Lake Champlain.soilsmicroclimateplumpearpeachorchards New York is the nation's third-largest grape- producing state, behind California, and second-largest wine producer by volume.
Some Pictures Of New York