1 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Status of CTF3 G.Geschonke CERN.


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Presentation transcript:

1 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Status of CTF3 G.Geschonke CERN

2 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status DL CLEX building in CTF3 Programme 2006 Thermionic gun CR TL GHz production (PETS line) and test stand Photo injector / laser tests from 2006 Linac

3 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Next steps: 2006 (shown at last collaboration meeting) Fully commission Delay Loop - done Separate Linac from rest of machine -done 30 GHz power testing -done Construction of CLEX building - started Install and commission Combiner Ring - ongoing Combiner Ring and TL1: Optics: INFN ü Magnets: BINP/CERN/Lure/CIEMAT/ INFN ü Power supplies: CERN ü RF deflectors: INFN ü Septa: CIEMAT MoU not signed yet Kicker: CIEMAT/CERN ü pulser: CIEMAT/CERN ü 3 GHz source: CERN ü Controls: CERN ü BPM electronics: LAPP / CERN ü Vacuum chamber + BPM: INFN MoU not signed yet If the expected contributions will be provided, the Combiner Ring will be built to schedule

4 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status DL CLEX building in CTF3 status 2006 Thermionic gun CR TL GHz production (PETS line) and test stand Photo injector / laser tests from 2006 On schedule so far Linac Combiner Ring installation ongoing, commissioning start in April 2007 Beam up to here Laser at CERN RF gun under construction TL1 commissioned

5 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status CTF3 in 2006 Linac Delay Loop Transfer Line TL2 and Combiner Ring 30 GHz RF power testing Beam up to here

6 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status RF power plant 10 s-band klystrons 3 GHz 35 – 45 MW, 5.5  s 9 with pulse compressors: factor 1.9 – 2 (1.6  s) 3 L-band travelling wave tubes 40 kW, 3  s 1.5 GHz BW >200 MHz 1 L-band klystron 22 MW, 5.5  s RF Pulse compression LIPS BOC first 5 klystrons: ~ 5000 hours operation in klystrons replaced 3 thyratrons replaced phase and amplitude stability under investigation

7 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status CTF3 main activities in 2006 a) Commission Delay Loop GHz bunching system, beam dynamics studies Three 40 kW travelling wave tubes at 1.5 GHz installed travelling wave wide-band buncher for fast phase coding at 1.5 GHz fast phase switch, 5-pulse recombination 1.4 us train length, 3.5 A peak current

8 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status CTF3 main activities in 2006 b) Operation for 30 GHz CLIC component testing 100 MW produced at 30 GHz, operation for 30 GHz now routine, largely automatic, supervision from CCC Separation wall decouples operation of linac for 30 GHz testing from installation

9 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status CTF3 main activities in 2006 c) Installation of : Combiner Ring and Transfer Line TL1 TL1 installed, commissioned with beam, Combiner Ring injection region commissioned, Combiner Ring installation: all magnets, septa, kicker installed, vacuum chambers and beam diagnostics will be installed before March 2007

10 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Commissioning of the Delay Loop – SHB system Key parameters for the SHB system: 1) time for phase switch < 10 ns ( GHz periods) 2) satellite bunch population < 7 % (particles captured in 3 GHz RF buckets) phase switch: satellite bunch population: Phase switch is done within eight 1.5 GHz periods (<6 ns). Satellite bunch population was estimated to ~8 %. main bunch satellite bunch

11 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Beam recombination in the Delay Loop (factor 2) Beam recombination NOMINAL BEAM PARAMETERS ? Beam current (7 A after DL) 3.3 A max after chicane -  6 A after combination (satellites) Energy (150 MeV) ~ 100 MeV – still miss MKS 15 – can gain something from others Emittance (100 π mm mrad) now consistently below nominal (  mm mrad) Pulse length (1.4 µs) “just” nominal (1.4  s after chicane, 5  140 ns pulses after DL) Bunch length (up to 2.5 mm) 1.4 – 2.7 mm (nominal and natural R56 of chicane), head-to-tail energy correlation of the bunch after the Linac?

12 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Transmission & trajectory in TL1 & CRM TL 1 CRM CT Transmission and trajectories from end of CT line to CRM Beam image at the end of CRM.

13 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Full beam loading operation in CTF3 – Demonstration for CLIC operation CLIC: no RF pulse compression length of the drive beam pulse: 100 µs Demonstration at CTF3: MKS03 MKS07 MKS06 MKS05 Spectrometer 10 Spectrometer 4 Setup: no RF pulse compression for this experiment (with exception of MKS03) 1.5 µs long pulses Adjust RF power and phase and beam current, that fully loaded condition is fulfilled RF pulse at structure output RF pulse at structure input analog signal 1.5 µs beam pulse measured RF-to-beam efficiency: 95.3 % Theory: 96% (~4 % ohmic losses)

14 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Improvements Big effort to improve operational reliability water temperature stability for RF pulse compression: new system gives stability within ± 0.02 degrees ! automatic system for 3 GHz conditioning, as well as 30 GHz operation for CLIC structure copnditioning/testing supervision from CCC now possible Beam dynamics studies: Emittance measurements, better understanding of the machine: model fits machine

15 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status 1. period: DL commissioning, Beam dynamics studies operation for 30 GHz at nights and weekends 2. period: operation for 30 GHz power production only, installation of TL1 and CR 3. period: Commissioning TL1 and CR injection, operation for 30 GHz at nights and weekends Operation nearly all year !

16 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status CLEX building Construction on schedule Equipment installation from May 2007, Beam foreseen from March 2008 June Jan 2007

17 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Collaborating institutes * India has not signed the CTF3 MoU, but has an agreement with CERN for the development of novel accelerator technologies new member Discussions with : Pakistan, Iran, UK (Cockcroft Institute, J.Adams Institute), JLAB, EPFL, INFN Milan 16 members involving 21 Institutes Collaboration with RAL within PHIN

18 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Ongoing work (2006 and later) INFN vac chambers, BPI, installation, optics, operation CIEMAT correctors, BINP quadrupoles LURE quadrupoles CERN magnets, BPM, infrastructure, installation NWU RF bunch length monitor LAPP BPI/BPM electronics INFN vac chambers, BPI, wiggler, installation, optics, RF deflectors CIEMAT correctors, septa, kicker + pulser BINP quadrupoles, sextupoles LURE quadrupoles CERN Infrastructure, RF power, installation, magnets, Beam diagnostics, vacuum Uppsala Bunch phase monitor LAPP BPI/BPM electronics RRCAT optics, 5 bending magnets, Al vacuum chambers TSL magnets CERN Infrastructure, vacuum, magnets, installation HIP Helsinki CERN CIEMAT SLAC structure testing Ankara Universities, INFN, JINR Dubna automatic conditioning RRCAT software CERN IAP Project is covered including TL2. PSI additional modulator NWU: Beam loss monitoring

19 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status IAP (Alexander Litvac) Gyro-klystron In 2005 a 30 GHz gyroklystron with 6.5 MW output power, 0.5 ms pulse duration, 30 dB gain, was developed and demonstrated at single-pulse operation mode (the amplifier was driven with 350 keV/80 A electron beam, permanent out-pumping was used). During 2006 a new experimental set-up was built for development and tests of sealed gyroklystrons operating at higher power with 5-10 Hz repetition rate: · the 500 kV/200 A/1 ms/5 Hz pulser was demonstrated at a resistive load. · the injector of electrons was assembled. Vacuum of 10-6 Torr was obtained inside (during one month the vacuum is planned to make up to 10-7 Torr) plans: · test of cryomagnet (February); · complete manufacturing of the mobile bio-protection (near 5 tons of lead) (April 2007); · to obtain the relativistic helical electron beam with voltage 350 kV, current 100 A, pulse duration 1 ms and repetitive rate 5-10 Hz (May – June); · test of the gyroklystron at full power in the repetitive rate regime (October – November). Transmission line components Many transmission line components were developed and delivered to CERN in the last three years. We can mention here development of 30 GHz pulse compressor for CTF3, diagnostic windows, 30 GHz fast phase switcher based on photoconductivity of Silicon and some other components.

20 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Ongoing work in CLEX (2006 and later) Instrumentation Test Beam Line not presently funded (FP7 GADGET proposal) CEA Dapnia Saclay overall responsibility CERN CEA laser beam line, laser beam conditioning LAL RF gun for photo injector Uppsala University Two Beam Test Stand CERN PETS and Accelerating structure CIEMAT magnet movers, PETS prototype,(+ series ????), PETS tank (series ???) UPC & IFIC : BPM development + electronics (series ???) CERN overall responsibility, optics, RF equipment, diagnostics, infrastructure, quadrupoles ??? Pakistan: stainless steel vacuum components + ??? Iran: RF + Beam dynamics simulations

21 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Photo Injector Phase 1: off-line testing from 2007 Phase 2: Gun in CTF3: earliest spring 2008 ????? smaller emittance, faster phase coding, no “satellite bunches” Cs 2 Te photo cathode 3% QE 40 hours life time pulse train: 1.5  s, charge per bunch: 2.33 nC bunch spacing 0.67 ns number of bunches: 2332 diode pumped Nd:YLF laser 10  J IR / bunch 0.37  J UV on cathode /bunch LAL CERN RAL Present status: RF gun being built, Laser at CERN, needs to be finished with strong involvement from CERN, INFN Frascati and Milan Laser is needed also for CALIFES injector !

22 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Plan for 2007 start with beam 2. half March, Commission Combiner Ring operation Install vacuum system for Combiner Ring operate for 30 GHz production like in 2006: nights and weekends, supervised by CCC full-time during installation of TL2 Install equipment in CLEX from May 2007 Install TL2: Finish optics, detailed layout produce all vacuum elements produce magnets, power converters Very ambitious, spill over into 2008 ?

23 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status 12 GHz Decision to change CLIC structure development from 30 GHz to 12 GHz For 30 GHz: bunch repetition frequency in Linac: 1.5 GHz increase by x2 in DL x5 in CR  15 GHz For 12 GHz: bunch repetition frequency in Linac: 1.5 GHz increase by x2 in DL x4 in CR  12 GHz small circumference change in CR can be accomplished with wiggler  no effect on hardware  30 GHz structure programme continues for the moment  12 GHz PETS in TBL  12 GHz PETS and accelerating structures in Two Beam Test Stand smaller nominal beam current: can be increased by higher current in linac and higher RF power (shorter pulse) Effect on CTF3:

24 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status DL CLEX building in Conclusion 2006 Thermionic gun CR TL GHz production (PETS line) and test stand Photo injector / laser tests from Linac Beam up to here 2007

25 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Conclusion Highly motivated team, excellent collaboration between all partners Programme almost on schedule Commissioned up to including TL1 and CR injection Combiner Ring to be completed in 2007, TL2 in 2007 (?) CLEX : many components covered by collaboration some still missing Already demonstrated: full Beam Loading operation of linac Phase coding of bunches Bunch Interleaving in Delay Loop

26 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status Meeting Objectives Define some open questions: BPM / BPI: electronics TBL diagnostics – monitor + read-out PETS TBL: Advance on tank design Open topics not covered: TBL RF + other diagnostics - discussions with EPFL started, analog front-end ? TBL series components: quadrupoles, PETS, diagnostics Machine protection Radiation monitoring

27 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status

28 CTF3 collaboration meeting 2007 G.Geschonke Status The CLIC spending material budget is summarized on Table 2.3. Thanks to the collaborations providing extra resources, the material budget is sufficient to complete the project if 3 MCHF extra allocated in addition to the budget foreseen in the MTP.