Invertebrates By: Adam Morley and Aidan Smith A.M
Cnidarian Sea Nettle- Jelly fish Definition: An animal with tentacles that has the ability to sting its prey or predators. Body Systems: Symmetry- radial. Nervous- none. Circulatory: none. Respiratory- none Reproduction: Sexually- The male releases sperm cells and the female releases egg cells into the water. Food: Carnivore. Paralyses' its food then brings it to its mouth with its tentacles. The food is digested then waste is dispersed out the mouth. Habitat: Lives mostly in salt water but some can live in fresh water. Predators and Problems: coral could eat other coral, turtles eat certain jellyfish. Adaptations and Fun Facts: They have no organs and they reproduce sexually and asexually. A.M.
Porifera Golf ball sponges Definition: A type of animal that filters the water it lives in to get food Body System: different shapes and sizes Reproduction: They do it both sexually and asexual. Sexually: eggs or sperms cells hatch and make larva. Asexual: buds break off the parents and grow Food: leftover particles in the water that filters into their body Habitat: hard surfaces underwater Predator and Problem: people use them to clean Adaption and Fun Facts: There are 5,000 to 10,000 species of sponge unknown
Segmented worms earthworm Definition: An animal, such as the earthworm, whose body is made up of connected sections or segments. Body systems: circulatory- 5 enlarged tubes act as hearts push blood to major vessels Nervous- brain and nerve cord that runs the length of the body. Respiratory- it breaths through its skin. Symmetry- Bilateral. Reproduction: Sexual- Earthworms have both male and female sex organs so when they mate they both lay eggs. Food: They eat nutrients from the dirt as they move through it and the leftovers are dispersed through the back end. Habitat: They live in the soil where there is lots of nutrients. Predators and problems: flatworms and farmers kill many, many worms Adaptations and fun facts: They have 5 hearts, to move they expand and contract their muscles.. A.M.
Nematodes Trichinella Definition: An animal with a round tube like body that has a digestive system with two openings Body System: they have bilateral symmetry Reproduction: Sexual, because of their sex organs, some can lay 2,000 eggs a day Food: They have a digestive system that has two openings to eat and poop Habitat: in side pigs and mammals and sometimes dirt Predator and Problem: They get picked out of the ground when you shovel Adaption and Fun Facts: They live in side of mammals and feed off of them and it give them shelter
Arthropods crustaceans Definition: An invertebrate animal with many jointed legs and a hard external shell called an exoskeleton Body System: two opening and an exoskeleton Reproduction: sexual because it lays eggs and sperms Food: They eat starfish, small fish, dead animals, shellfish, and clams Habitat: salt water and fresh water Predator and Problem: Human, Fish and Whales all eat crustaceans Adaption and Fun Facts: Most adult crustaceans have a pair of compound eyes. Which means simple eyes.
Mollusk Octopus Definition: An animal with a soft body and no bones Body System: They have brains and this nerves system Reproduction: Sexually release eggs and sperms and get fertilized develop to larva and have hairs that spin Food: They capture food with their tentacles and put in their beaklike mouth Habitat: These animals live in salt water, fresh water, and on land Predator and Problem: sharks and big fish eat the eggs and babies Adaption and Fun Facts: jet motion and dark inky fluids
Echinoderms chocolate chip star- Starfish Definition: An invertebrate that has an internal skeleton and spine that are part of its skin. Body systems: Symmetry- Radial. Nervous- they allow it to move and feed. Reproduction: sexual-each arm has sex organs that release millions of egg and sperm cells into the water when they mate. Asexually- if part of the body is cut off the pieces will grow new parts. Food: Clams is their main diet. Habitat: In the ocean. Predators and problems: Predators- crustaceans and other starfish will eat them. Adaptations and fun facts: They have poison glands and tube feet. A.M.
Flatworms Sheep liver fluke- parasitic flatworm Definition: An animal, such as a planarian, that has a flattened body, a digestive system with only one opening, and a simple nervous system. Body systems: Symmetry- they have bilateral symmetry. Nervous- it has a nerve cord that runs the length of the body. Reproduction: Sexually- They mate then lay eggs in the animals liver. Asexually- if a piece is broken off both pieces will grow new parts. Food: They use a tube out of the back of there body. They will feed off of the animal hosting it. Habitat: They will live in or on an animal injuring it as it feeds itself. Predators and problems: Predators- Sixlines, mandarins, and other flatworms may eat them. Problems- they don’t like sunlight. Adaptations and fun facts: They need two hosts lo complete their life cycle. A.M.
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