Possible Sigsoft Research Projects Presenter: Luke Rajlich Sept 26, 2005
Possible Projects ● *I. Gupta – Overhaul ● D. Marinov – Korat ● R. Johnson – Open Croquet ● R. Johnson – Debugging in Photran ● C. Zhai - User-Centered Adaptive Information Retrieval ● *C. Zhai – Comparative Text Mining ● *K. Chang – MetaQuerier ● *B. Bailey – SeaPort ● A. Doan – DBLife
Overhaul (I. Gupta) ● Field: Distributed Systems ● Implemented as add-on to Apache. Clients fetch web objects from each other in a peer-to-peer manner. ● Your group's involvement could be in one or many of the following areas --developing a "real" Overhaul system that "real" users can use, playing around with Overhaul and tuning it, and even mathematical analysis of Overhaul.
KORAT (D. Marinov) ● Field: Software Engineering / Software Testing ● Automatically generate sets of possible test inputs for software unit testing. Construct based on a set of constraints for the possible input. ● Paper: l.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm%3Fid%3D566191%26t ype%3Dpdf%26dl%3DGUIDE%26dl%3DACM% 26CFID%3D %26CFTOKEN%3D l.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm%3Fid%3D566191%26t ype%3Dpdf%26dl%3DGUIDE%26dl%3DACM% 26CFID%3D %26CFTOKEN%3D ● We would develop open-source version in Java. Possibly we would integrate into Eclipse (very popular open source Java development environment)
Open Croquet (R. Johnson) ● Field: Software Engineering / Operating Systems ● Website: ● New operating system and user interface based on what is possible today that wasn't when operating systems were first developed ● Emphasis on interaction between people in a distributed network using a 3-D interface. ● We would make a 3-D programming environment
Debugging tools in Photran (Johnson) ● Field: Software Engineering ● Website: +Photran +Photran ● Photran is a java development environment meant for Fortran. ● We would develop debugging module to integrate in the dev environment. Some things include how to record information and then debugging displays
User Centered Adaptive Information Retrieval (C. Zhai) ● Field: Data Mining ● Website: ● Exploit user information and search context to better retrieve information for the user. ● Possibly working with extending a personalized search toolbar based on UCAIR research
Comparative Text Mining (C. Zhai) ● Field: Data Mining ● Website: ● Text mining. Uses data mining techniques to find common themes between related pieces of textual information or to find time-related relationships between appearances of keywords ● Work on additional applications and extensions to the existing project
MetaQuerier (K. Chang) ● Field: Data Mining / Web ● Website: ● Discovery, modeling, and structuring of web databases into a searchable repository. Example is airlines, howto integrate all the different databases hosted by Orbitz, American Airlines, etc. ● We would contribute possibly by implementing search querying algorithms, data cleaning (algorithmic), and porting existing code to Linux / Firefox. Another possibility would be to develop a crawling robot that would search the query interfaces for the various databases
MetaQuerier, cont. ● Project paper : cidr05-chz-nov04.pdfhttp://eagle.cs.uiuc.edu/pubs/2004/metaquerier- cidr05-chz-nov04.pdf ● Query algorithm paper: wiri05-klc-feb05.pdf wiri05-klc-feb05.pdf
Seaport (B. Bailey) ● Field: HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) ● Website: ● This is a graphical way to represent applications on devices and be able to transfer control of those applications from one device to another. ● Our group would extend this project's functionality to allow for more collaborative application sharing... One proposed idea was application shadowing ● Demo video: CDCS-R wmv CDCS-R wmv
DBLife (Doan) ● Field: Data Mining / Web ● Website: ● A web search engine designed around a certain community. Designed to give additional functionality ● We would provide new functionality to the engine, possibly a notification model (provide real-time updates of the index) or a “homepage finder.” Other stuff discussed as possiblities