By: Ben and Nolan
Adjectives Definition: An adjective is a word or phrase that describes an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it. ex: tall, small, short, stinky, muddy, pretty, blue, etc.
What They are used for Adjectives are used to modify the noun or pronoun in a sentence. They make sentences more colorful. Ex: That cougar is purple. The beautiful woman fell in a hole.
Indefinite Adjectives An indefinite adjective gives general information. Often, it answers the question "How much?" Some common indefinite adjectives are all, any, each, every, few, many, and some. Can I have some money?
Possessive Adjectives A possessive adjective modifies a noun by telling whom it belongs to. It answers the question "Whose?" Possessive adjectives include his, her, its, my, our, their, and your. His mom baked us cookies.
Demonstrative Adjectives Demonstrative adjectives that, these, this, those, and what, answer the question "Which?" A demonstrative adjective may look like a demonstrative pronoun, but it is used differently in the sentence. It is an adjective, used to modify a noun or pronoun. That cow belongs to Farmer Franky.
Interrogative adjectives An interrogative adjective is where what and which are used in a question. They help to ask about something. ex: What movie do you want to see? Which leaves change color first?
Adjectives used in sentences This project is super fun. My favorite color is blue. I can count to five. Some kids in this school are tall. Skunks are stinky. School is awesome.
Works Cited Page orm=QBRE&pq=adjectives%20definition&sc=8-21&sp=- 1&sk=&cvid=4cf2532c7b144c2ca7c8dcda2dbd orm=QBRE&pq=adjectives%20definition&sc=8-21&sp=- 1&sk=&cvid=4cf2532c7b144c2ca7c8dcda2dbd8675 House%20Rock%20-%20%20Adjectives House%20Rock%20-%20%20Adjectives