Jeanne Nakamura Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Thomas Chan Brittany Branand Veronica Fruiht Shamini Dias
Veronica Fruiht University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Shamini Dias Claremont Graduate University
Teacher education and induction are under scrutiny “Industry of mediocrity” Lacking high quality, engaged mentors Need for a focus on social justice National Council on Teaching Quality, 2014 Goldrick, Osta, Barlin & Burn, 2012 Wineburg, 2006
What does “good work” look like in teacher education? How can a teacher education program promote good work values in its educators?
Teacher education program with an induction component Private institution in diverse metropolitan area Program structure 3 directors 16 faculty advisors apx. 80 teacher interns
Observations Class sessions, trainings, planning sessions, etc. Interaction Reports ESM style data collection after every Advisor/Intern interaction (N = 225) Interviews Semi-structured interviews with 16 advisors and 2 directors
Coded by 2 researchers (reached 97% inter- rater reliability) Coded using an a priori framework for excellence, ethics, and engagement Coded using grounded theory for mechanisms for values transmission/maintenance selection: choosing like minded advisors shaping: guiding advisors to enact these values with their interns
“I think the discussion often revolves around … being the teacher you want your candidate to be. Are you having the kind of relationships, rigor, relevancy that you want your own candidates to have?” “push [interns] when they don’t want to be pushed”
Selection “We’re looking for people who walk on water” ExcellenceExcellence Shaping “…bring out the things inside of them so that they can be the best that they can be. And you can’t give that to them; you just have to foster that from within.”
“I want them to feel about teaching the way I did … I enjoyed it” Interaction reports: Engagement was 5.92 (SD =.73, n = 255) on a 7-point scale (1 = disengaged, 7 = engaged).
Selection “We’re looking for people who have that same passion for kids, that are committed to the kind of schools we’re working in” EngagementEngagement Shaping “There’s a certain amount of respect for the individuals that we have in that capacity to share their craft and again to share it in a way that’s authentic to them.”
“It is the [advisor’s] personal integrity to really make sure that they are going about that task with diligence and commitment.”
Selection “I want somebody who’s a straight shooter” EthicsEthics Shaping “You have to fight for what is right and just for them [the interns] … this program has taught me to be an advocate not only for my interns, but to let them see that they need to pass that on as well.”
Teacher education requires good work values excellence not mediocrity engagement in the mentoring process ethical imperative of education Will these values be transmitted to teacher interns/candidates?
Teachers need to embody good work values to provide a quality education to students and persist in the profession Excellence Engagement Ethics