Radiation Overview General Introduction to Radiation Terms and Concepts
Definitions Ionizing Radiation – energy in the form of particles or waves, given off by unstable (radioactive) atoms or by accelerated charged particles Radioactive Material – any material which emits ionizing radiation
Radioactive Emissions Alpha Particle (α) - Helium Nucleus Positive 2 Charge 2 Protons 2 Neutrons Beta Particle (β) – Electron Negative 1 Charge Small Mass
Other Nuclear Emissions Gamma Rays (γ) – High Energy Wave No charge No mass Similar to X-Rays Neutron Particle (η) – Single Neutron No Charge Identical to Neutron in Nucleus
Radiation Dose rad – (radiation absorbed dose) measures energy deposited in any material by any type of ionizing radiation rem – (Roengten Equivalent to Man) estimates biological damage or health risk due to absorption of ionizing radiation
Biological Effects of Radiation In the Presence of Ionizing Radiation: - Cells can be Undamaged - Cells can be Damaged, Repair Damage and Operate Normally - Cells can be Damaged, Repair Damage and Operate Abnormally - Cells can die
Factors Affecting Biological Damage Total Radiation Dose Dose Rate Type of Radiation Area of Body Exposed Cell Sensitivity Individual Sensitivity
Relative Risk of Dying: 1 in a Million Odds Smoking 1.4 Cigarettes (lung cancer) Eating 40 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter Eating 100 Charcoal Broiled Steaks 2 Days in New York City (air pollution) Driving 40 Miles in a Car (accident) Canoeing for 6 Miles Receiving 10 mrem Radiation Dose (cancer)
Risk – Loss of Life Expectancy Days of Average Life Expectancy Lost by Various Causes Being an Unmarried Male3500 Smoking (1 pack/day)2250 Being an Unmarried Female1600 Being a Coal Miner % Overweight 777 Alcohol Abuse (U.S. Average) 365 Being a Construction Worker 227 Driving a Motor Vehicle 207 All Industries 60 Radiation: 100 mrem/yr x 70 years 10 Coffee 6