The fundamental job of an advertising agency is… to act as a consultant telling their client how to be more successful.
NY Strips,NY of Syracuse will be introducing -a direct competitor to Omaha Steaks; the $30 - $60 per pound steaks sent mail order and sold over the internet. Omaha “owns” the premium mail-order steak category with a 80%+ share. NYSTRIPS,NY is hoping to find a unique positioning and strategy that will help them stand out from both Omaha and the local meat market’s best cuts. Tell NYSTRIPS,NY how to beat Omaha Steaks.
Sell only NY STRIP Steaks, the only steak named for the state of New York. Cows are raised in the farmland surrounding Syracuse. They are shipped overnight (just like Omaha steaks). They cost the exact same as Omaha Steaks.
&sem=netelixir&ne_ppc_id=765&ne_key_id= &gclid=CNzxtLei8ZwCFQtN5QodvSSurQ &sem=netelixir&ne_ppc_id=765&ne_key_id= &gclid=CNzxtLei8ZwCFQtN5QodvSSurQ Strip Steaks = $40.00/lb One sale now for $17.50/lb (“Private Reserve” Filet $60.00/lb)
Strip steaks at Wegman’s / P&C $6.99/lb on sale (a frequent occurrence) and about $9.50/lb not on sale. Cows are raised locally and the meat is equally fresh.
What do we want the advertising to do? Who is our target? What do they currently think? What would we like them to think? What is the single most compelling promise we can make them? How do we make it believable? Is there anything else worth considering that may get to great creative work? Are there any executional mandatories?