1 Sompo Japan Nipponkoa’s IB Models in Insurance 17th February nd Inclusive Business Forum for Asia Masao Seki Senior Advisor on CSR Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.
2 Corporate Profile Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc. URL : Headquarter : Tokyo, Japan Office in Japan Sales Agencies : 64,371 Employees : 27,144 Net Premium Written : 2,181B JPY (18.1B USD) : Sales Offices : 676 : Claims Service Offices : 448
3 SJNKインドネシア PGA ソンポ SJNKコンサルティングコリア UIC カナダ支店(トロント) マリチマ SJNKメキシコ 本社 SJNK (英国他 6 カ国) 南米安田 損保ジャパンアメリカ OJSC ICAllianz,NKSJDivision グアム支店 プノンペン駐在員事務所 ヨハネスブルグ駐在員事務所 SJNK 再保険 キャノピアス Sompo Holdings Regional Headquarters Sompo Holdings Branches Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance SJNKコンサルティングコリア カナダ支店 Headquarte rs SJNK ヨーロッパ SJNK 再保険 ( スイス) Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Global Operation Overseas Offices : 210 Cities in 32 Countries
4 Issue : Drought in Thailand
5 Solution : Weather Index Insurance Indices ; temperature, rain fall, snow cover, wind velocity, etc. Designed to hedge the weather-related risks, i.e. ; volatility of profit and /or expenses due to weather fluctuations Claims are paid based on the weather index
6 Merits : Weather Index Insurance -Cost saving ⇒ Affordable premium for farmers No actual loss survey needed - and it brings advantages of; -Time saving ⇒ Quick payment to farmers
7 Thailand Tilling Transplanting Flowering Harvesting Sowing Pictures: Embassy of Thailand website, etc. JBIC (Japan bank for International Cooperation) Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Group BAAC Thailand ( Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives ) Risk Financing Solutions towards draught for Thai Farmers, Farmers Khon kaen “Weather Index Insurance” in Thailand
8 Risk Financing Solutions towards Agricultural Producers, ・ An insurance product for agricultural producers in the island of Mindanao in southern Philippines. “Typhoon Insurance” in Philippines ・ The first insurance for the damage of typhoon in Philippine insurance industry
9 Enhance climate resilience against crop damage of 30,000 small-scale farmers in over three countries in Southeast Asia by Our Future Objectives
10 BCtA is a global initiative hosted at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which promotes businesses aimed at achieving both commercial success and sustainable development. Business Call to Action (BCtA)
11 Availability of reliable weather data Challenges, Difficulties Low awareness of insurance Local partners for distribution ⇒ Collaboration with local stakeholders is the key
Rio Earth Summit as Origin of our CSR Established Dept. of Global Environment Expansion Stage ( ) Global Stage ( Present) 2002 Issued CSR Report 1999 Launched First SRI Fund 1998 Issued Environmental Report 1997 Acquired ISO14001 Certification 2009 & 2010 Recognized as Global 100 “Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” Primary Stage ( ) 2006 Signed the UN Global Compact & UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) 2009 Developed “Weather Index Insurance” in Thailand 2013 Developed the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Pilot Program The Group’s Brief CSR History 2012 Joined Rio+20
P rinciples for F inancial A ction for the 21 st Century Sompo Japan Nipponkoa, participated in the draft of the principle PFA P rinciples for S ustainable I nsurance Approx.70 Insurance companies as Signatories Sompo Japan Nipponkoa, participated in the draft of the principle UN PRI; P rinciples for R esponsible I nvestment 1,111 Signatories Sompo Japan Nipponkoa, the first insurance company in Japan UN GC; U nited N ations G lobal C ompact 10,600 Signatories (Business Signatories; 7,000) Our Engagement PSI W orld B usiness C ouncil for S ustainable D evelopment Approx, 200 Corporate Members. Sompo Japan Nipponkoa, the only financial member in Japan
15 Towards a Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Society The Group’s 6 CSR Material Issues Providing Sustainable & Responsible Financial Services Tackling Global Environmental Issues -Focusing on Climate Change (Adaptation & Mitigation) Tackling Global Environmental Issues -Focusing on Climate Change (Adaptation & Mitigation) Community Involvement and Development -Partnership with NGOs/NPOs Community Involvement and Development -Partnership with NGOs/NPOs Disclosing Transparent Information Respect Human Rights and Promoting the Development of Human Resource and Diversity Providing products and services that contribute to security, health, and wellbeing
16 Weather Related Loss Events in Eastern Asia Source: Munich Re NatCatSERVICE
17 “Pacific Catastrophe Risk” Insurance Risk Financing Solutions towards Catastrophe Risk
18 Caring for Climate / UNEP “Business and Climate Change Adaptation UNEP “The Business Case for the Green Economy” UNFCCC “Private Sector Adaptation Initiative” WBCSD “Tackling Climate Change on the Ground” Included in Many Case Books
19 “How Should We Adapt to Climate Change Risks ?” Published on March 2014 Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Environment Foundation -Climate resilient society -Multi-stakeholder approach Research on Advocacy for Climate Change Adaptation Downloadable at :