Office of Research Facilitation and Dissemination Lori Hudson
ORFD Function Facilitate research and extramural research funding through advocacy activities and contribution to cross- disciplinary, all-University, or multi- department proposals Improve information dissemination from OVPRGS to stakeholder communities on and off campus
Research Facilitation ORFD offers information regarding open grant competitions and RFP’s – –Click on “news blog”
Sample postings … Grant Opportunities: National Energy Technology Lab -- Multiple Opportunity Announcements NEH Challenge Grants News and Information: AAMC & AAU Address Conflicts of Interest How to Subscribe to + opportunities to comment/discuss
Grantwriting Support For approved cross-disciplinary, all-University, or multi-department proposals, ORFD will provide grantwriting support personnel
Proposal Development Free Wiki and blog hosting for project and proposal development Wikis/blogs available for projects to exchange information; facilitate proposal versioning. –Visit for a list of current Wiki and blog lists
Training Direct training -- and subventions for third-party training -Example: ORFD subventions for faculty wishing to attend grant writing workshops -Please alert Lori of opportunities!
Travel Support Travel support for visits to Federal and other grant officers for discussion of possible projects. ORFD will provide funding, generally matched by college or department.
Dissemination -Increase quantity and quality of news about MSU research agenda -Expand methods of dissemination (video, audio, etc.) -Address issues of the MSU research “brand” -Rework OVPRGS website
Contact ORFD Loraine J. Hudson 238 Administration Building