What we need to do as students at CAVA!!!! This is a slid that was made to help students pass at CAVA and other k12 schools around the U.S.A
What the student needs to know about going to an online school many students come to k12 from k8 another online school and understand that this is not like most school’s that they have gone to and have learned that you have to be motivated to pass!! One rezone you have to be motivated is you are online and there is a lot of other things you could be doing other then school, we know for a fact that school is not always fun, and it can be hard not to wonder off to myspace or Facebook but you can do it others have. When you go to a home school you have little people most of the time that for some rezone want to bother you, why this is know one knows, you just need to but your bigger sibling power to the test act like they are not there, we know you can do it!!! Another thing you need to do is make a plan to work not IM your friend unless it is about a class assignment that is due that day, and yes we know that only talking about school can be hard so we suggest that you just don’t use other online tool’s while you are working on school work!!!!
Set up a day to day plan for school What is the first thing that every student should do before they start working on a class??? Check his k-mail, why are we so big on checking k- mail? Well you might be getting some good information from one of your teachers about a class project, or you might get a k- mail about something being canceled out of your grade book!!! You also need to set up a day plan of all the work that you plan on doing you should remember that you need about an hour to do each class If you give your self an hour you should have plenty of time to finish all of your class work that you have been giving to do!!! You should also make sure that you go to all of your live class’s that are in that day!!!! This is only going to help most are less then an hour and you will be told what you should be doing and all of the things that are and aren't due. Also never over work yourself make sure that you give your self the time you need!!
Time for school What do I mean when I say time to spend on school