By: Daija Green
characters Kris Kel Mrs.Packmen Mr.Packmen Sally (Kel’s sister) Kerstin (Kris sister)
About the author J.Banscherus wrote many books like…. The Ashes Power Drain The night of the Blue Heads The secret of flying cows The New York times said that J.Banscherus was the best authors in the world times.
Problem The problem is about Kel telling Kris about cheating in the duel but he is afraid of telling Kris about because he don’t want to hurt his feelings.
Solution The solution is Kel getting advise from Mrs.Packmen for trying to tell Kris about cheating in the duel.
Character Traits Kris is really nice to his friend and family and Kel is honest about telling Kris about telling his teacher about how he cheated in the battle and his family and friends.