Plenary Session Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 Modena (IT), Experiences on adaptability: lessons learned from EQUAL Projects in Finland, Italy, Spain
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 1 Equal Sky Sviluppo delle Competenze attraverso lApprendimento Innovativo
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 2 To offer customized, flexible, easy to access vocational training to disadvantaged people based on the real needs of workers and enterprises To build a bridge between no profit (social cooperatives) and profit companies at local level Equal Sky: objectives
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 3 MODENA FORMAZIONE Lead partner, training agency CEIS Voluntary non profit association CERFORM Training agency CSS Association of social cooperatives in the province of Modena Equal Sky: the partnership
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 4 CNA National handicraft association IAL Emilia Romagna Training agency IFOA Training agency PROVINCIA DI MODENA Local authority, Labour policies dept. Equal Sky: the partnership
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 5 Equal Sky: the target workers obsolete competences at risk of exclusion disadvantagedimmigrantslow educationover 45
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 6 The main activity is the development and offer of vocational training programmes able to improve the adaptability of workers and enterprises at risk of exclusion from the labour market due to economic or work organization changes Equal Sky: the activities
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 7 Innovative training models and tecnologies devising of an e-learning platform devising of guidelines for the planning and delivery of individual training programmes – blended learning Equal Sky: the activities
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 8 The bridge between no profit and profit companies: Planning of individual learning pathways for disadvantaged people working in social cooperatives to move to profit companies Development of subcontracting from profit to non profit companies Equal Sky: the activities
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 9 Establishment of a territorial laboratory Analysis of the competences needs of companies and social cooperatives Creation of a data base Vademecum for companies Elaboration of models of subcontracting of work Equal Sky: the activities
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 10 Training of trainers and operators: Tutor of social cooperatives (16 people) Open learning tutors (12 people) Operators of social cooperatives (planning of a thematic workshop in progress) Equal Sky: the activities
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY* Individual learning pathways (16 beneficiaries) 23 Training programmes (170 beneficiaries) Equal Sky: the outputs
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 12 Individual learning pathways for disadvantaged people to move from non profit to profit sector 24 offered 21 completed 15* people employed in the profit sector Equal Sky: the outputs
Plenary Session - Equal Transnational Network ADAPTABILITY*4 13 involvement of 210 employees 28 trainers/operators 28 companies Equal Sky: the outputs