MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge 2020 Iain Shepherd16 September 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge 2020 Iain Shepherd16 September 2010

space data€400 million per year in-situ data> €1 billion per year Cost of Ocean Observation in EU

vast majority of users are dissatisfied with status quo

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14 MARITIME AFFAIRS Maria Damanaki, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (..) the data collected through these observations can only generate knowledge and innovation if Europe's engineers and scientists are able to find, access, assemble and apply them efficiently and rapidly. At present this is often not the case.

adopted 8 September 2010

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14 objectives 1.reduce operational costs and delays for those who use marine data and therefore: helping private industry compete improving the quality of public decision-making at all levels; strengthening marine scientific research 2.increase competition and innovation amongst users; 3.reduce uncertainty in knowledge of the oceans

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14 current EU support Parameterscollectionassemblingapplication Bathymetryur-EMODnetWISE marine Geologyur-EMODnet PhysicsGMES (space)GMES (except near coast), ur-EMODnet GMES, Fisheries (including fisheries economy) Data Collection Framework Joint Research Centre (and other users) ICES, STECF, GFCM, Chemistryur-EMODnetWISE-Marine Biologyur-EMODnet, GMESWISE Marine Human activity (other than fisheries) ur-EMODnetWISE Marine Coastal dataEurostat

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14 action plan 1.improvement of existing instruments 2.convergence of initiatives 3.creation of European marine data architecture

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14 (1) improve existing instruments make EU-supported data available for re-use. follow-up the EU Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management demonstrate GMES marine services until Follow-ups are being considered. provide better access to fisheries data. couple WISE-Marine and EMODnet. improve the coverage of data, resolution and range of assembled parameters in EMODnet ensure that EU Agencies regularly release data. encourage Member States in the same spirit to release data provide better parameterization of the coastal influence in territorial regions for statistics.

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14 (2) convergence of initiatives ensure common standards progressive alignment of data policies. The ultimate aim is to provide free access without restriction of use ensuring that the data assembled in initiatives such as ur-EMODnet or the Data Collection Framework are appropriate for the needs of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive specific ur-EMODnet action to assemble physical in- situ data as input for GMES, In assess gaps in the monitoring network. begin a dialogue with partner countries and international organisations..

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14 (3) creation of European marine data architecture observation curation –national data centres thematic assembly groups –to assemble all data of a particular type (eg chemical concentration) sea-basin checkpoints –independently check data layers from each thematic assembly group, –ensure that the data from different groups are mutually compatible –define priorities for further observations

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14 (3) creation of European marine data architecture European industry should dedicate adequate resources to ensure adequate safeguarding of knowledge more communication amongst national data centres to promote good practice in data curation and dissemination. explore how a sea-basin checkpoint might work by setting up pilots in Governance –set up a prototype secretariat –Commission defines priorities –develop a proposal for more permanent governance.

MARITIME AFFAIRS Marine knowledge /14 end