Best practices: Communication resources
Websites Digital Faith: Diocese pays for hosting, domain, all tech support. ◦ Examples: Information:
Websites WordPress: Joomla:
Website questions Who is my primary audience? Will this be an interactive site (with blog capabilities, registrations, etc.) or information only? Who are the primary contributors? How often will/can/should we update? How can we integrate other multi-media components: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
Website tips Do Post regular updates Use photos, video Commit the time to keeping the site updated and relevant Minimize clicks (2-3 clicks should get you to most of your information) Spend the most time on your homepage – Make it sing! Edit text carefully Make sure links work Use analytics
Website tips Don’t Overdesign Use Flash – or only very limited Date pages Use any typeface other than Verdana, Arial, Courier, or Times – and only pick one! Use clip art Make people scroll Be afraid to ask for help!
Social media Facebook: Diocese of Southern Ohio Invite friends to “Like” Post regularly Commit to uploading photos/videos Create invitations Integrate with website Use Facebook help Create a targeted FB ad Review analytics Group vs. Page
Social media Facebook Groups vs. Pages Fan pages are visible to unregistered people and are thus indexed. Pages are generally better for a long-term relationships with your fans, readers or customers Groups allow you to send out “bulk invites.” Groups are generally better for hosting a (quick) active discussion and attracting quick attention.
Other social media Twitter LinkedIn MySpace FourSquare
Google Calendar Picasa photo album Checkout Groups (changes!) Analytics
E-Newsletters Constant Contact Revenue sharing Free year of newsletter Sign up for trial at: tures/signup.jsp?pn=diosohio tures/signup.jsp?pn=diosohio
Integration – cross-pollination
Database Virtual training to update diocesan list of members (takes about 30 minutes) Importance of up-to-date list Letter from bishop for visitors Richelle Thompson
Teleconferencing Diocesan teleconference system available to any church or commission Up to 8 callers No long distance Any time of the day Check calendar to see if time is available: we are/conference- call-center.html we are/conference- call-center.html Call to reserve time and get instructions: Julie Murray at
Virtual meetings: Webex Diocesan subscription to Webex available for any congregation Share desktop with up to 20 users Virtually edit/review documents Can record session for later training/viewing Virtual Bible studies, training sessions, etc. Any time of the day Call/ to reserve time and get instructions: Richelle Thompson at or
Other resources Vestry papers: Now Vital Practices – new & free resource Help desks: Facebook, Google, Twitter Episcopal Communicators: E-Newsletters with insights, ideas hub/
Diocesan resources Communications office: Richelle Thompson: Julie Murray: Digital Faith: or