School Committee Presentation November 1, 2011
Piloted on a limited basis in Expansion to 13 class sections in 9 th and 10 th grade classes English (Edgerton, Koughan, Lane) Math (Deluca, Brown) Social Studies (Tran, Jewett) Science (Burgess, Nolan)
Special and general education teachers partner in educating students Both teachers plan, teach, and assess students Both teachers support learning of all students by differentiating instruction
Builds teacher capacity General education teachers learn new instructional strategies and supports Special education teachers expand content knowledge Enhances instruction for general education and special education students
Increased student achievement Decreased special education needs outside the classroom Lower student to teacher ratios Decreased referrals to special education
Dr. Kathleen Porcaro, EPSI Co-Teachers attended half-day trainings in September and October with Dr. Porcaro Grant funding for additional co- teaching consult and planning in summer 2012
Observations by Jim Lee, Allison Collins, and Scott Morrison throughout the year Use of a co-teaching rubric to assess collaboration and partnership
Look for… Evidence of co-planning Shared roles and responsibilities Modifications for struggling students Reinforcement strategies for learning Student engagement and risk-taking All students are appropriately challenged
Comparison of student grades from to Comparison of special education and SAT referrals from to