Numbers can be written in 2 ways – FIGURES or WORDS Example: or one hundred twenty three thousand seven hundred sixty three.
When writing a number we write its name and its place value. Ex: 400 = four hundred Digits in the tens place are pronounced differently. They include: twenty (20), thirty (30), forty (40), fifty (50), sixty (60), seventy (70), eighty (80), and ninety (90). Ex: = five thousand sixty
23 580
When reading a number the zeros are not pronounced Ex: 206 = two hundred six not two hundred zero tens six
We put a space every 3 digits from the right, starting with the decimal point if there is one. Minus (-) sometimes comes before a number If there is a decimal point, we don’t use tens, hundreds, thousands, etc to say the numbers after the point, we just list the digits Ex: is seventeen point four five six, not Seventeen point four hundred and fifty-six