Ancient Egyptian Communication By: Jack
The Egyptian Language (In General) - 3 main kinds of languages: Hieratic, Hieroglyphics, & Demotic - ignored vowels - Hieratic was a hieroglyphic made to write fast Remember these facts there's going to be a quiz!
Hieroglyphics - In hieroglyphics, you only write what you hear - Hieroglyphics can be written in any direction, except diagonal - The word hieroglyphics in Greek means scared inscriptions - If the symbols (like a person or animal) face left, then you read left to right. Remember these facts there's going to be a quiz!
The Rosetta Stone - Like a translator - Hieroglyphics at the top, Demotic script in the middle, and Greek at the bottom - The Rosetta Stone was discovered by Napoleons troops Picture of the Rosetta Stone Remember these facts there's going to be a quiz!
Scribes Hi, I’m a scribe. Instead of buying a pen and ink, I make them. To make a pen, I take a reed and chew the end to make a point. The ink is a solid cake made out of soot or charcoal mixed with gum. Remember these facts there's going to be a quiz!
Quiz Time!!!! Q:#1 How are hieroglyphics usually written? A: Left to Right B: Right to Left C: Bottom to Top D: All of the above
The right answers is D. I hope you got it right! Q:#2 How do scribes make pens? A: Buy them at the store B: Chew the end of reeds to make a point. C: Take a rock and hit the end to make a point. D: Use there finger
This time B is the answer. Q:#3 Who discovered the Rosetta Stone? A: A random guy that lives in Kentucky B: George Washington C: Napoleons troops D: Mickey Mouse
C’s correct! I ran out of questions, sorry. Quiz is over and I hope you did well!
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This is the end of my ancient Egyptian slideshow! Bye!! Bye!! (P.S I’m still a scribe)