European IPPC Bureau at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Joint Research Centre; European Commission Internet E.mail : Don Litten - Head of EIPPCB
Management of tailings and waste- rock in mining activities Why ? EC communication of safe operation of mining activities. technical document to try and avoid “similar” accidents in future; similar to Aznalcóllar and Baia Mare.
Typical Components of a Mineral Processing Facility In-pit crusher Feed from stockpile or coarse ore bin Comminution (size reduction by crushing and grinding) Classification (e.g. screens or cyclones) Separation (e.g. flotation, gravity, magnetic, electrical separation) Dewatering (e.g. thickeners (outside), filters (usually inside) Storage or Shipping of Concentrate (separate building) Tailings to Tailings facility mine same building usually called mill or concentrator located near mill
Ugly optical illustration: topsoil overburden ore waste rock Mineral Processing Tailings Management concentrate
Horizontal Scope What minerals will be covered by the document? Theme: Minerals where ore is processed and tailings are generated which can “cause trouble”
Metals: Chromium Manganese Nickel Tungsten Aluminum Cadmium Copper Iron Lead Mercury Tin Zinc Gold Silver
Industrial Minerals: Baryte Boron Fluorspar Limestone (if processed) Phosphate Potash Talc Feldspar (if flotation) Kaolin Strontianite
Coal: Only if it’s processed and there are tailings (following theme) Therefore generally: - Hard Coal (Rock Coal) covered - Lignite (Brown Coal) if processed and tailings