Ethics is a set of principals or standards. Our code of business ethics reinforces our core values. Business ethics are critical for a company’s success because they build trust and transparency. The code of business ethics applies to all accenture people. Ethical decision making model helps you to resolve the following dilemmas:- What do you do when there’s more than one potential right? When you are forced to decide situations, where the code does not provide a signal, definite answer, when you must weigh a “right Vs right” action.
Test:- Is it Legal ? Test:-Right Vs. wrong decision Analyze:-Right Vs. right dilemma Resolve:-The higher right Resolve one wayResolve other way Trilemma Third way out Caution STOP
Another tool to help improve your decision making process is the “FIVE Cs”. The five Cs are designed to help you make the best decision by drawing on the strengths of your colleagues & the company. The five Cs in action:- COMMUNICATE CONSULT CROSS-CHECK COLLABORATE COURAGE
Integrity is recognizing the right from wrong & understanding the ethical implications. Integrity is the following of moral or ethical principles. inspiring trust by taking responsibility, acting ethically & encouraging honest & open debate. Integrity is doing the right thing even if nobody is watching. Integrity is based on ethics.
Integrity requires 3 steps:- Discerning what is right & what is wrong. Acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost. Saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right from wrong.
The code of business ethics is founded on our core values & clarifies the right action to take in a wide variety of situation. Our core values shape the culture & define the character of our company.
The 7 core values to shape our business practices at every corporate level:- HONESTY BOLDNESS TRUST FREEDOM TEAM SPIRIT MODESTY FUN These seven core values makes a company socially responsible
Acting ethically is your personal responsibility. Take a stand when you see a problem, and when in doubt, ask for help. For each of us ethics & compliance are calls to action. “Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness”.