MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama PROCESS REVIEW Training and Crew Operations July 2005 Kathy Nordmann Training and Crew Operations
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 2 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama OPERATIONS LEAD QUICK-LOOK!
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 3 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama What is an Ops Lead? Simulation Engineer (SE) Crew Procedures Engineer (CPE) Operations Controller POC (OCPOC) = Operations Lead
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 4 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Ops Lead Template - Conduct TST Telecons - Develop crew training requirements (hdw/sftw, curriculum, hours) - Define products and their authors - Define instructors - Define Proc. Author Review CDR data & write RIDs I-36/20 I-20I-19I-18I-17 Crew Training Starts for re-flight payloads Deliver Procedures and Ref Data into PIMS I-16 I-15 I-14 I-13 Tabletop Procedure Review CTC - Collects payload training requirements - Develops Crew Task Assignment CTC - Integrates training requirements - Delivers Payload Training Input to MITP - Conducts TRR PDRT Receives Displays OpNom Development & Baselining of Payload Name, Abbreviations, Acronyms, Hardware Names On-going Crew Procedure Development Write Pre/post Shipping Test Procedures
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 5 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Ops Lead Template I-12I-11I-10I-9I-8I-7I-6 Conduct Training Validation Crew Training Starts for new Facility payloads Instructor deliver lesson plan and Courseware Validation -2 wks Finalize OCBT Objectives I-5I-4I-3 ECR for PSM Inputs for: Integrated Safing Cue Cards Ground commanding URC inputs Flight Rule inputs Payload Reg inputs Write sim events Conduct PSAT (if required) Create PSM for Facilities only Serve as PD surrogates for sims Crew Training Starts for new Subrack payloads I-2 Build, Revise, and Baseline GSP Phase III training materials ECR Procedure Submittal Create GCP inputs for Vols. 1,2,3,5 Conduct Phase II Training POIC operated facilities only Conduct Phase III Training Deliver PSRD Vol. 2 for new subrack class fully integrated trainers Conduct PSIIC Baseline Procedures PD deliver new subrack payload trainers to PTC - Deliver Trainer Test Procedures - Conduct Pre- Ship Test Usability Review for Displays and Procedures only Payload Complement Training begins URC Review Participate in JIT activities
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 6 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama ISS CREW TRAINING PROCESS CHANGES
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 7 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Agenda Crew training topics Phases/Types TST & Training Data Set Training Validation OBT Development
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 8 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Phases/Types Template
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 9 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Changes 1. Advanced training only offered to ISS crewmembers assigned to an increment 1. Advanced training offered to any requesting crewmember After 01 OCT 2005Before 01 OCT 2005
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 10 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Training Strategy Team (TST) Structured planning and decision making group who determine by analysis payload training requirements and what will be needed to fulfill those requirements Voting participants include Ops Lead (chair), PD, CB rep Telecons conducted to analyze training objectives and determine the best way and means to instruct ISS crew members on a payload Training requirements entered into a Training Data Set and baselined at the NPOCB Individual payload training requirements obtained by CTC to roll up into increment plan
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 11 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama TST Process Template
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 12 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Changes
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 13 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Training Data Set Baseline Process TST determines individual Payload Trainer and Curriculum Requirements Ops Lead/PD inputs data to TDS Access Database via password protected Payload webpage hosted on POIC Server Ops Lead prints Trainer Requirements Report from TDS Database and submits with NPOCB ECR to Baseline Trainer Requirements Payload TDS available for viewing and report generation by authorized Users; modification NOT allowed CM Review, TCM, and Board Process Per CCBD, Ops Lead performs CCBD actions (if required) Per CCBD, TDS Database Administrator LOCKS individual payload Trainer Requirements to prevent any modification Trainer Reqts. Curriculum Reqts. I-20 mo. Trainer Reqts. Curriculum Reqts. Trainer Reqts. I-19 mo. Curriculum Reqts. CTC prints Training Curriculum Report from TDS Database to Develop Increment Specific Training Plan I-19 mo. Ops Lead and PD perform Training Validation Facility I-11 mo. Subrack I-9 mo. Ops Lead updates Training Curriculum information in TDS Database, if required Ops Lead prints Curriculum Requirements Report from TDS Database and submits with NPOCB ECR to Baseline Curriculum Requirements CM Review, TCM, and Board Process Per CCBD, Ops Lead performs CCBD actions (if required) Per CCBD, TDS Database Administrator LOCKS individual payload Curriculum Requirements to prevent any modification DT3/JSC prints Payload Lesson Change Request I-7 mo.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 14 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Training Validation Activity conducted to prove the instructor, equipment, and products are ready for training and the expected class time the TST agreed to is still correct Participants include Instructor, Ops Lead, PAYCOM/OC Ops Lead activities include: Ensure either tabletop procedure review or usability complete Develop Lesson Plan & Courseware (if instructor) Coordinate Lesson Plan & Courseware review prior to activity Schedule activity with instructor and PAYCOM/OC Conduct Training Validation Work and close any action items Declare lesson & instructor Ready for Training Successful completion of Training Validation certifies equipment, products, and instructor until changes are needed
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 15 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Changes
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 16 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama On-Board Training (OBT) Development On-board training can be used for Refresher, Proficiency, or Just-in-Time training Most OBT is currently done using a CBT PD must build the product
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 17 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama OBT Development TST decision to use OBT (L-24 to L-12) Finalize lesson objectives (L-12) OBT delivery to COSS Integration by Payload OBTWG Rep (L-3.5 to L-2) OBT Final Product Delivery to Payload OBTWG Rep (L-3.5) Training Validation for OBT Product (L-4) Major Correctives (Delta Validation) Lesson Concept Meeting (L-12 to L-11) PD Develop OBT Product (L-11 to L-6) Pre-Training Validation Review (L-6) Close Pre Review Actions (L-6)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 18 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Changes