Ordering Decimals Unit 3.1 Pages 100-103
Ordering Decimals. Objective: Students will be able to place group of numbers using decimals on order of least to greatest on a number line.
.8 is equal to .80 4.67 < 4.97 Definitions. Inequality: is a math sentence that shows number that are not equal (greater than, less than). Equivalent: is when two decimals share the exact same value. 4.67 < 4.97 .8 is equal to .80
There are two ways that we can compare decimals. Place Value Number Line
2.81 > 2.78 2.81 2.78 2.81 2.78 2.81 2.78 Time to Line Them UP!! Place Value Compare 2.81 to 2.78 Time to Line Them UP!! 2.81 2.78 2.81 2.78 2.81 2.78 Move from Left to right and determine which digit is larger. This will tell you which number has the greatest value. 2.81 > 2.78
When comparing more than one number with unequal digits add a To any empty spot as a place holder. Order from LEAST to GREATEST 14.35 14.3 14.05 14.35 14.30 14.05 14.05,14.30, 14.35,
When comparing more than one number with unequal digits add a To any empty spot as a place holder. Order from LEAST to GREATEST 16.67, 16.6, 16.07 16.67 16.60 16.07 16.07,16.60, 16.67
When comparing more than one number with unequal digits add a To any empty spot as a place holder. Order from LEAST to GREATEST 16.3, 16.35, 16.5 16.30 16.35 16.50 16.30, 16.35, 16.50
When comparing more than one number with unequal digits add a To any empty spot as a place holder. Order from LEAST to GREATEST 3.57, 3.75, 3.897 3.570 3.750 3.897 3.57, 3.75, 3.897
When comparing more than one number with unequal digits add a To any empty spot as a place holder. Compare LEAST to GREATEST 0.097 and 0.964 0.097 0.964 0.097 < 0.964
When comparing more than one number with unequal digits add a To any empty spot as a place holder. Compare LEAST to GREATEST 3.56 or 0.35 3.56 0.35 3.56 > 0.35
Rounding Decimals Unit 3.2 Pages 104-107
Estimating Decimals. Objective: Students will be able to estimate decimal sums, differences, products and quotients by using place value.
Wholes Parts of the Whole A decimal helps us to see what numbers are WHOLE numbers, and what numbers are PARTS OF THE WHOLE. Wholes Parts of the Whole
Let’s review some definitions that we should already know. Sum Difference Product Quotient Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
We use decimal estimation in real word situations? Can you think of any?
Estimate numbers with decimals by rounding to the indicated place value. Place Value ONES Look at the digit to the right of your place value. If it is a 5 or greater round up one number. If it is less that 5 round down by adding zero’s. 3.92 + 6.48 3.92 + 6.48 3.92 + 6.48 4.00 + 6.00 4 + 6 = 10
#2. Estimate numbers with decimals by rounding to the indicated place value. Place Value tenths 2.746 – 0.866 Look at the digit to the right of your place value. If it is a 5 or greater round up one number. If it is less that 5 round down by adding zero’s. 2.7 – .9 = about 1.8
#3. Estimate numbers with decimals by rounding to the indicated place value. Place Value ones 6.735 + 4.9528 Look at the digit to the right of your place value. If it is a 5 or greater round up one number. If it is less that 5 round down by adding zero’s. 7.0 + 5.0 = about 12
We have burnt about ________ Someone who weighs about 90 pounds can burn the following calories: Activity Calories Estimation Bicycling 198.45 Playing Ice Hockey 210.60 Rowing 224 Water Skiing 194.4 198.00 216.00 224.00 194.00 ~832.00 We have burnt about ________ calories in all.
Ella will run about _____ total miles . #1. Ella runs three days a week. She ran 3.62 miles on Monday, 3.8 miles on Wednesday, and 4.3 miles on Friday. About how any miles did she run on last week? Days of the Week Miles Estimation Monday 3.62 Wednesday 3.8 Friday 4.3 4.00 Ella will run about _____ total miles . 12
Ordering and Estimating Decimals 3.1 Pg. 102 Homework Ordering and Estimating Decimals 3.1 Pg. 102 6-8, 14-6, 25-27 3.2 Pg. 106 22-26 Due: Tuesday Nov. 3rd