Have you ever wondered “Why is every one talking about Indianapolis, I don’t get why it’s so special.” Well a few things it is known for is it’s Indy 500(a 500 mile race). Danica Patrick was the first woman to participate in the race. It has a lot of famous museums.
about 253,691 people live in Fort Wayne(as of 2000) 2nd largest city in Indiana It has about 17 museums
State Abbreviation - IN State Capital - Indianapolis Largest City - Indianapolis Area - 36,420 square miles [Indiana is the 38th biggest state in the USA] Population - 6,080,485 (as of 2000) [Indiana is the 14th most populous state in the USA] Name for Residents - Indianians or Hoosiers Major Industries - agriculture (corn, soybeans, wheat), manufacturing, mining (coal, limestone), steel-making
Indiana’s state bird is the Cardinal Indiana’s state flower is Paeonia The Tulip Tree is Indiana’s state tree
1800 Congress Creates Indiana territory Indiana becomes 19 th state Standard oil company builds a refinery in Whiting
_for history.htm#.UUDTGjclepA na&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.aWM&biw=1024&bih=625&um =1&ie=UTF- 8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=GaRQUffpOoe9yQGhzIGwDw Indiana Ann Heinrichs
I love animals, art, observing nature mainly plants and animals. I spend most of my time outside or at my grandparents house in Pueblo. I live in Fowler and have four rabbits and a fish. I have two sisters, one is 19 and the other is 3, and one brother who is 4. That’s me!!!