Death of the Romanovs This presentation has been prepared under the Fair Use Exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and is restricted from further use.
Paper My paper was written on the last royal family of Russia, the Romanovs. My paper was written on the last royal family of Russia, the Romanovs. My driving question is what caused the fall of the Russian Empire and what role did the Tsar and his family play in the fall? My driving question is what caused the fall of the Russian Empire and what role did the Tsar and his family play in the fall? My thesis statement is the calling on and the influence of a spiritual healer named Grigori Efimovich Rasputin, the Tsarvich Alexei's hemophilia, and World War I all led to the demise of the Romanov family. My thesis statement is the calling on and the influence of a spiritual healer named Grigori Efimovich Rasputin, the Tsarvich Alexei's hemophilia, and World War I all led to the demise of the Romanov family.
Product Timeline Rasputin becomes a trusted advisor. Rasputin becomes a trusted advisor. Nicholas goes to war. Nicholas goes to war. Rasputin and Alexandra rule Russia. Rasputin and Alexandra rule Russia. Rasputin is murdered. Rasputin is murdered. Romanov family get moved to the Impativ house. Romanov family get moved to the Impativ house. Romanov’s were murdered and bodies thrown down mine shaft. Romanov’s were murdered and bodies thrown down mine shaft. Bodies are moved. Bodies are moved. Bodies are buried. Bodies are buried.
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Connection My connection between my paper and my product is that I taught all the aspects of my paper to the freshman. My connection between my paper and my product is that I taught all the aspects of my paper to the freshman.
Successes/Challenges My successes of the Graduation Project would be getting everything done on time. My successes of the Graduation Project would be getting everything done on time. The challenges of my Graduation Project would be getting all the things together to present to the freshman. The challenges of my Graduation Project would be getting all the things together to present to the freshman.
Future Applications/Plans This is not actually a path I would like to take in the future, since teaching is not a strong point for me. This is not actually a path I would like to take in the future, since teaching is not a strong point for me. I will be using this information when I go to college, simply because the more you know before you go, the better off you are. I will be using this information when I go to college, simply because the more you know before you go, the better off you are.