Initial programme The what and the how
Six areas of priority
1.Personalisation in all settings including increasing uptake of personal budgets 2.Cost effective and efficient solutions 3.Provider and workforce development 4.Building community capacity 5.Information to the public 6.Co-production and equalities
Share what is working in personalisation and community TLAP web site and communications strategy, innovative practice tool, benchmarks Examples: lean approaches to personal budgets delivery, provider adaptation, cost effective community contribution Mostly sharing existing tools and approaches: new developments where needed
Leading by example Broad coalition of members, including umbrella organisations, with influence and resources Partners to commit to delivery of TLAP priorities in their own organisations, to influence and support their constituencies and to demonstrate and share progress
Working with central and local government and other bodies Advising DH on policy and delivery (e.g. White Paper, e.g. direct payment directions including in key connected areas (e.g. health integration) Supporting Local Government Group work with members and sector improvement Influencing other bodies e.g. shaping social care workforce and leadership strategies with Skills for Care and Skills Academy
Association of Directors of Children’s Social Services Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Age UK The Care Provider Alliance Care Quality Commission Carers UK Ceretas Counsel and Care Community Service Volunteers Department of Health English Community Care Association The Independent Living Fund InControl Local Government Group Macmillan NAAPS National Care Association National Care Forum National Centre for Independent Living National Housing Federation The Neurological Alliance NHS Confederation The Princess Royal Trust for Carers Registered Nursing Home Association Shaping Our Lives Social Care Institute for Excellence Skills for Care Standing Commission on Carers Transforming Adult Social Care Coproduction Group United Kingdom Homecare Association Voluntary Organisations Disability Group