How did migrating Hebrew find a homeland? How did religious views affect Hebrew culture?
South of Phoenicia Small strip of land Canaan Different people lived there Assyrians Babylonians Egyptians Persians Syrians Hebrews Ancestors of Jews Great influence on Region History of the world
Founder of Hebrews Abraham Once lived Sumer Left and led people Through Desert To Border of north Canaan Modern Jews Trace heritage Through Abraham and Grandson Jacob (Israel) Jacob had 12 sons Each established Tribe 12 Tribes of Israel Bible Story of the Hebrew People
Hebrews slaves 400 years Suffered Greatly Moses Great leader Led Hebrews out of bondage Exodus Biblical books tell story Exodus Numbers Deuteronomy Moses led Exodus Exodus Escape of Hebrews from Egypt Fled Desert of the Sinai Peninsula Wandered in the wilderness for years
Moses climbed Top of Mt. Sinai Returned to Hebrews Ten Commandments Ten commandments Moral Laws of the Hebrew God Yahweh Revealed to Moses 1 st 4 Relationship with Yahweh Rest Self-restraint, importance of family and human life Hebrews agreed to follow these laws Entered into Covenant Covenant Solemn Agreement with Yahweh
I am the Lord your god who brought you out of Egypt. You shall have no other Gods. You shall not make or worship idols. You shall not swear falsely by the name of the Lord your God. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Honor your father and your mother. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s belongings
Hebrews from Egypt Joined Hebrews from Canaan Loose confederation of tribes Bound together by need to maintain Ark of the Covenant Ark of the Covenant Container of Moses’ Tablets Leaders “Judges” Ruled the tribes then Tasks Enforce God’s law Settle Tribe Dispute Prophets Leaders Appeared at special times Warn people Do not upset God by ignoring Covenant Prophets Predict events
Establishing homeland in Canaan Difficult Canaanites Held northern Jordon Valley Philistines On southern coast Both Resisted Hebrews Struggle lasted 200 years Hebrews 1 st conquered Canaanites Never completed conquered Philistines
During years of fighting United under one king Saul 1 st King to unite Israel David Formed new dynasty Made Jerusalem Religious and Political Capital Both Made covenants with People and God Solomon Israel reached height of Wealth Power Built a good relationships Other cultures Example One Wife Egyptian Pharoah’s Daughter Good Trade Relationships Used riches to build Magnificent Temple in Jerusalem Center of religious life and symbol of state and faith
900B.C. 10 northern tribes revolted Split Kingdom in two Northern Israel Southern Juda Capital Jerusalem (By Dead Sea) Two Hebrew Kingdoms Divided and lacked strength 722 B.C. Assyrians conquered Israel Captured and enslaved Hebrews 527 B.C. Chaldeans conquered Judah Destroyed Jerusalem Solomon’s Temple Took Slaves Cyrus Persian King conquered Chaldeans Allowed Hebrews to return to their homeland Hebrews Rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem
Hebrew scriptures tell Creation of the World Special Mission of Hebrews 1/3 Scriptures Hebrew History “Old Testament” of the Christian Bible Rest of Scriptures Laws Poetry Prophecy Religious Instruction
Torah 1 st 5 books of the ‘Old Testament’ Include Hebrew laws Mosaic Laws (Moses’) Include Ten Commandments Like Hammurabi’s Code Eye for an Eye Placed Higher Value on Human life Demanded Kindness Poor Death Sentences Severe Crimes Adultery Kidnapping Treason Sacrificing to Idols All people deserve kindness and respect Prophets Messengers sent to reveal the will of God Messages Basis of Jewish moral and ethical behavior
Early Hebrews Worshiped Yahweh Only God Monotheistic Believed Yahweh Protected them From enemies Provided for them Food and Water Those who sinned They and their children Suffer Yahweh Gentle but, to be feared
Understanding of Yahweh Changed slowly Came to believe People had a choice Between Good and Evil People are responsible to God For choices God allows Freedom to make choices God lives Hearts of worshippers Humans Not Yahweh’s slaves Serve God Out of love Gods More powerful than humans Human qualities Hebrews different Yahweh Spiritual force Not as human or nature Other cultures Kings representatives of God