Nature and Names of God The Nature of God. God is Unity The Divine nature is indivisible; there is but one infinite and perfect Spirit. Deut. 6:4 The.


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Presentation transcript:

Nature and Names of God The Nature of God

God is Unity The Divine nature is indivisible; there is but one infinite and perfect Spirit. Deut. 6:4 The word one in Duet 6:4 means: collective(e.g., one bushel of apples) In Hebrew the word one has two meanings; the first is singular and the other is collective. Even in His unity God is revealing the Trinity. Isa. 44:6,8; I Tim. 2:5

God is Trinity God is one on His essential being, but He exists in three Persons. Each Person of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is fully God

Trinity in the Old Testament In the plural name of God (Gen. 1:1) Elohim, It is a singular noun with a plural ending. Plural forms of the personal pronouns for God: Gen. 1:26, 11:7 & Isa. 6:8 In the Theophanies (visible appearances of God, usually in human form)

Trinity in the New Testament At Christ baptism ( Matt. 3:16-17) The Father Speaks The Son is baptized The Holy Spirit descends like a dove In the baptism formula (Matt. 28:19) “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” Apostolic benediction (2 Cor. 13:14) In the teachings of Christ (John 14: 16-17)

God is Spirit The word Spirit is the best way to describe the divine nature. God is not material; Isa. 66:1 & I Kings 8:27 He does not have a body and that He invisible (Col. 1:15; I Tim. 1:17) The Bible uses Anthropomorphisma; ascribing to God human features to help us as simple human beings to begin to understand God’s feelings and work in our lives.

God is a Person God possesses all the qualities of personhood, but without a body. God’s “I am” (Exo. 3:14) implies self- consciousness His “I will” (Exo. 6:6-8) implies self- determination He possesses intellect, emotion, and will. He has personal names

The names of God Old Testament names Jehovah: “The Self-Existent One” (Lord in KJV) This is God’s covenant name. Adonai: “My Lord; my Master” Elohim: “The Strong One”; The One to be Feared” El Shaddai: “The All-Sufficient One” (God Almighty in KJV) El Elyon: “The Most High God”

New Testament Names of God Theos: In the Old Testament “Elohim” Kurios: In the O.T. “Adonai” Pater: (Father in KJV) Immanuel: “God with us”