Line Draw at least 10 different types of lines Shape (2-D) Geometric (draw 5) Free-Form/Organic (draw 5) This collage by HenrI Matisse uses geometric and free-form shapes.
Colors that cannot be made by mixing are called _________________colors. Colors that are made by mixing two primary colors are called_________________ colors. ________ +________ = Purple ________ +________ = Orange ________ +________ = Green Colors made by mixing one secondary and one primary color are called ____________________ colors. Color Color the color wheel and fill in the blanks
Value The range from light to dark. Value Scale Create you own value scale in pencil.
Form (3-D) Draw 5 forms below
Texture The way an object feels or appears to feel. Fill this paper with texture rubbings
Negative Space Artists use space to recreate the illusion of depth. Positive Space: the area taken up by the object Negative Space: the empty space around an object or between multiple objects. Negative Draw a simple object in positive and negative space (ex: hand, water bottle, pencil, leaf).