light Ex: photograph=picture drawn by light
to write or draw Ex: telegraph=(tele distant) writing from far away
far away, distant Ex: television=(visio see) seeing distant things
measure Ex: meter = unit of measure; inches long
turning Ex: phototropic=turning toward light as leaves and flowers do
love, friendship Ex: philosopher = (sophia wisdom) one who loves wisdom
fear Ex: phobia = irrational fear
with, together Ex: sympathy = (pathos feeling) to feel with someone else
put, place, position Ex: thesis= a position taken in an argument supported by a set of reasons
movement Ex: kinetic = relating to the movement of bodies
sound Ex: megaphone = (mega big) device to make sounds BIG
sound Ex: sonar = device that hears sounds under water
look at, inspect, consider, examine Ex: scope = all that the eye can see
see Ex: video = picture portion of television
word, study Ex: geology = (geo earth) study of the earth
word Ex: verb = the action word of a sentence
name Ex: nominal = in name only; not real or actual
for, before, forward, in place Ex: project = (jacio to throw) to throw forward
before, in front of Ex: predict = (dico say) say beforehand
to, toward; near, next to Ex: adhere = stick to
throw Ex: reject = throw back
lay, put, place Ex: pose = position or attitude
with, together Ex: cumulative = all together
fix, fasten, attach Ex: fixture = a thing fastened in place
join, unite, connect Ex: conjunction-joins parts of a sentence together
finger, toe, inch Ex: digit = finger; numerals from 0-9; unit of measure the width of a finger
head Ex: decapitate = to remove one’s head
hand Ex: manual = by hand
foot Ex: pedestal = foot of a column
arm Ex: bracelet = ornament for the arm or wrist
tooth Ex: dentist = tooth doctor
body Ex: corporal punishment – punish the body
one Ex: unit = one part of a series or of a whole
two Ex: duet = music played or sung by two people
three Ex: tricycle = a three- wheeled vehicle
four Ex: quatrain = a stanza of poetry four line long
five Ex: quinquennial = five-year period of time
six Ex: sexdigital = having six fingers or toes
seven Ex: September = seventh month of the Roman calendar
eight Ex: octopus = eight-footed ocean creature
nine Ex: novendial = lasting nine days
ten Ex: December = tenth month of the Roman calendar
hundred Ex: cent = one hundredth of a dollar
thousand Ex: mile = a thousand paces
fire Ex: pyrotechnics = fireworks
fire Ex: ignite- to start a fire
Vulcan-Roman god of fire Ex: volcano = a crack in the earth pouring out hot magma
water Ex: dehydrate = take water away
water Ex: aquarium = a tank of water where fish or water plants can live
good Ex: boon = good deed, a favor
sun Ex: heliotrope = plant which turns toward the sun
sun Ex: solar = pertaining to the sun
moon Ex: lunatic = mad; affected by the moon
through, between, across, apart Ex: diagnosis = through knowledge
across, over, beyond, through Ex: transfer = carry across
earth Ex: George = one who works with the earth; a farmer
land Ex: extraterrestrial = outside of earth’s atmosphere
sleep Ex: dormant = sleeping
sleep Ex: hypnotic = inducing sleep
year Ex: annuity = amount of money paid yearly
stone Ex: megalith = (megas large) large stone
rock, stone Ex: Peter = name which means “reliable, like a rock”
star Ex: aster = star shaped flower
star Ex: stellar = pertaining to a star, or stars
tree Ex: rhododendron = evergreen shrub with large flowers
tree Ex: arboraceous = full of trees, wooded
time Ex: chronology = relate events in time sequence
time Ex: temporary = for a limited time
beside, along with Ex: parachute = goes along with you as you fall and slows you down
between, among, amid Ex: international = between or among nations
art, skill Ex: technique = expert skill
art, skill Ex: artist = one who acts or creates with skill
life Ex: biology – study of life
live Ex: survive = (sur over) to live over or beyond the threat of death
small Ex: microscope = instrument for looking at tiny things
great, large, big Ex: megaphone = device for making a sound larger
great, large, big Ex: magnify = make larger
father Ex: patriotism = love for the fatherland
mother Ex: matriarch = a woman who rules the family
brother Ex: friar = a member of a men’s religious order
the people, the citizens Ex: democracy = government by the people
people Ex: public = general body of people in a community
city Ex: polite = having city (civilized) manners
city Ex: suburb = outlaying part of a city; smaller town in a city
feeling, suffering Ex: pathetic = marked by suffering or sorrow
self Ex: automobile = self moving
heat Ex: thermometer = device for measuring heat
run Ex: current = running, ongoing
animal Ex: paleozoic = (paleo early) early animal period
turn Ex: reverse = turn back
do, make Ex: factory = place for making things
write Ex: manuscript = written by hand
fold Ex: duplicate = twofold
speak, say Ex: diction = art or manner of speaking
book Ex: bibliography – written account of books read
book Ex: librarian = one in charge of a library
know Ex: conscious = sharing knowledge; mentally awake or active
student Ex: discipline = teaching; instruction, field of learning
lizard Ex: brontosaurus = (brontos thunder) thunder lizard
love Ex: amorous= full of love
#101 ver Truth Verdict – say the truth
#102 Brev Short Abbreviation- shortened name
#103 Derm Skin Dermatology – study of the skin
#104 Fer Carry Transfer- carry away
#105 fix Fasten Affix –fasten to something else
#106 Gen Birth Generate- begin or create something
#107 Pseudo False Pseudonym – false name
#108 sect Cut Dissect – cut apart
#109 vac Empty Vacant- no one is there
#110 Alt High, deep Altitude – high position
#111 arch Chief, first, rule Monarchy- one ruler
#112 belli War rebellion- make war against
#113 cap, cip, cept Take Intercept- take from
#114 chrome Color Polychrome- many colors
#115 cide, cise Cut down, kill Homicide – kill a human
#116 clud, clus, clause Shut Claustrophobia – fear of being shut in a small space
#117 crat, cracy Rule Autocrat- rule by one person
#118 dura Hard, lasting Durable- able to last a long time
#119 fin End Final- the last aspect of something
#120 fort, forc Strong Fortress- a place of strength
#121 gam Marriage Monogamy-married to one person
#122 juven Young Rejuvenate- to make young again
#123 mon Warn, remind Admonition-to give a warning to someone
#124 multi Many Multilingual- able to speak many languages
#125 neo New Neologism- new word