Data Driven Instruction Using the ORID Process Health Education
Outcome of ORID Data Chat To identify connections/gaps between trends in adolescent health related behavior and your current health education instruction/curriculum.
ORID = Focused Data Chat ORID is a specific facilitation framework that enables focused conversation within a group of people to reach some point of agreement of clarify differences.
ORID = Focused Data Chat It is based on the theory that people need to be aware of actual data and deal with their emotional responses to the topic in order to undertake better analysis and decision making.
ORID = Focused Data Chat O = Objective – data/facts/patterns R = Reflective – connections/conversation I = Interpretive – patterns & insights D=Decisional – next steps & action items
ORID Data Conversation
Objective Data: Example Objective Data: There is a significant difference in the percentage of LGBTQ students who experience bullying as compared to heterosexual students.
Objective Data: Example Bullying on School Property = 17.7% of heterosexual compared to 33.6% of homosexual students. Did not go to school because felt unsafe = 6/9% of heterosexual compared to 17.7% of homosexual students.
Decision: Example Sexual orientation lessons were revised and included in the seventh grade curriculum. Additional student and teacher resources were approved to promote tolerance, respect, acceptance and a safe school environment for all students.
Index Cards
Online stopwatch
Pair and share
Reflective Step
Interpretive Step
Let’s share Out
Decisional Step
ORID Process Capture Sheet
Advantages of ORID Process Insists people consider: - All that is known (Objective) - Their feelings (Reflective) *before making interpretations or decisions. Great way to get people talking constructively in a way that produces results/decisions/action items based on factual/objective data.
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