The Legend of Smok Wawelski Emilka Szweda
Some centuries ago there lived in a cave at the feet of Wawel Hill a most horrible dragon.
The dragon was devouring cattle and sheep.
The King announced that whoever could kill the dragon, would marry his daughter and sit on his throne after his death.
Unfortunately, even the bravest knights could not overcome him.
One day a shoemaker named Krak decided to conquer the dragon.
Krak stuffed a ram with sulphur and placed it at the cave’s entrance.
The dragon swallowed the ram and his throat burned. He ran to the Wisła river and drank so much water that he burst.
The shoemaker married King’s daughter and after the monarch’s death, ascended to the throne.
The town he rescued from the dragon, took its name from him and bears it to this day with great honour – Krakow