1 Community-led local development: proposals for 2014-2020 16 October 2012 Karolina Jasinska-Mühleck European Commission DG AGRI.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Community-led local development: proposals for October 2012 Karolina Jasinska-Mühleck European Commission DG AGRI

2 Outline 1.Lessons learnt 2.The way forward 3.What's new? 4.Ongoing legislative process and further preparation Community-led Local Development (CLLD) Guidelines on CLLD Postion Papers 5.Final remarks

FROM LEADER I TO «CLLD» FundsEU Budget (EUR)LAGs Leader I EAGGF-Guidance, ESF, ERDF 450 million217 Leader II EAGGF-Guidance, ESF, ERDF 1.7 billion821 Leader EAGGF-Guidance2.1 billion893 in EU-15 (+ 250 under Leader+ type measure in 6 NMS) Leader Axis EAFRD5.5 billion  6% of the EAFRD funding (selection in BG and RO not completed) „Leader 5.0“ EAFRD, ESF, ERDF, EMFF EAFRD: 4.5 billion proposed (min. 5% in each RDP) Other Funds: … - 3

Number of LAGs by Member State (total: – September 2012)

5 Lessons learnt from previous and current programming period Some rigidities in the use of LEADER as driver for CLLD Limited quality of strategies Unclear responsibilities of different involved parties Limited LAG's capacities to develop and implement a Local Development Strategy (LDS) Limited level of participation and limited interest by the private sector

6 The way forward Strengthening the role of LDS as central tool to meet core objectives at local level, unlocking strategies from RD measures Clear provisions on the elements of a LDS; list of minimum tasks of a LAG Greater focus on animation and capacity building Strengthening the participation of the private sector in the partnerships Reinforced networking tools for LAGs on EU and national level Streamlined transnational cooperation

7 What's new? Possible multi-funded LDS (EAFRD-specific) "LEADER start-up kit" EAFRD support rate to LEADER up to 80% Minimum 5% EAFRD contribution to LEADER

8 The added value of the common approach broadens financial support for CLLD facilitates integrated territorial development enables various EU policies with their instruments to contribute to local development in all types of areas improves the consistency and coordination of EU Funds support

9 Legal proposals related to CLLD Framed within the "Common Provision Regulation" (CPR) applying to all CSF Funds (EARDF, ERDF, CF, ESF, EMFF) Council: Full discussion in the "Structural Action Working Party" General partial agreement to be achieved at the GAC European Parliament: Discussion of CLLD legal proposal in informal trilogue until the end of year

10 Further preparation 1.Common guidance document on CLLD in preparation for all CSF Funds 2. Position papers

11 Final Remarks Consideration should be given to multi-funded CLLD strategies Improving implementation aspects: clear attribution of roles to different actors and better cooperation between them Involvment of private sector is essential to increase effectiveness of interventions towards local development needs in a comprehensive way