Origami trays Objective: use and apply mathematics
Take an A4 sheet of paper… … the measurement shown can be changed to suit the size of tray you wish to make. Click on the boxes below to show the first two sets of folds. 1 2
Click on the box below to see this and the next step.
Make a tray that can hold all your pencils a tray to hold revision cards trays to hold your fiddly bits Your task can be …(1)
Take an A4 sheet of paper and fold it to make a tray with a square side a tray with a different square side a tray with a square base a tray with the maximum volume …or … (2)
Tell the world Write a few sentences explaining how you worked out where to make the folds. You should include at least one sketch diagram. Don’t describe how to fold the tray – that has been done! You could explain how to do it in an origami booklet like the ones used previously.