Cupid Shuffle
Everyone find a line on the floor and face the stage. Now put your arms stretched out to your sides, you should not be able to touch anyone.
Everyone should be facing the stage. Lets turn left a ¼ turn to face the West wall. Turn again a ¼ turn and face the South wall. Turn again another ¼ turn and face the East wall. Turn the last time and face the North wall. We should be back at the beginning facing the stage.
4 Side Steps Right Take 4 steps while stepping or sliding to the right. Slide Step : Do not let your feet cross in front of each other.
4 side Steps Left Take four steps the same way back to the Left You should be where you started the dance, back at the same spot on the floor.
4 Kicks Low kicks in front of you Right foot Left Foot Then Left
Turn yourself Your going to turn ¼ turn to the West wall. Turning Left.
Start over again You just did the Cupid Shuffle Start your Side Steps to the Right while facing the West wall.