Chapter 17-2
1. Did everyone agree with the Quaker’s peace policy? Why? No. Native American raids continued
2. Why was General William Sherman sent to West Texas? What did he find? To investigate complaints about raids The complaints were exaggerated
3. What event convinced Sherman that policies toward Native Americans needed to be changed? Warren, Wagon train Raid – Kiowas attacked a wagon train, killing or wounding several men
4. What happened to the chiefs who ordered the Warren Wagontrain Raid? Satank – killed trying to escape Satanta & Big Tree – were tried, found guilty and sentenced to hang. (later paroled) Satanta arrested again – found prison life intolerable
5. What was the new policy toward Native Americans after the raid? Native American camps destroyed and tribes were forced onto reservation.
6. Who was Ranald S. Mackenzie? Where did he and his regiment fight Native American tribes? Commander of the Fourth Cavalry Regiment South Plains and Rio Grande area
7. Define Paunch – stomach Sinew - tendons
8. How were buffalo used by the Native Americans? Food Clothing Tools Shelter Ornaments Cups Bowstrings Thread Rope Saddles Robes Water bags
9. What began the buffalo hunt era? Charles Rath and John & J. Wright Mooar developed a market for buffalo hides (leather goods)
11. The value of hides, the invention of the Sharps Big 50 rifle and the spread of the railroads contributed to the near extinction of the buffalo. What did the Native Americans prepare to do? Made plans for war
11. What were the opposing views regarding the buffalo? Sympathetic – introduced legislation to protect buffalo Antagonistic – good way to get rid of Plains culture
What happened at Adobe Walls in 1874? Five native American Nations attacked a buffalo hunters’ camp. They could not take over the camp. Frustrated, they increased their attacks on West Texas settlements.