Welcome Pick 1 Personal Value From your Life Line identify the Event & Stage of your life to which that Value may have become “real” Pick 1 “T”. Skill Stage of your life to which that Skill may have become “real”
Bridging to Employment Program Personality By: Jennifer McKenna For: S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Bridging to Employment Program
Agenda Holland Personality Assessment & Activities Keirsey Assessment & Activities Tie Personality to Work Search We will be in & out of classroom today
Holland's Six Personality Types According to John Holland's theory, most people are one of six personality types: Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional
Holland Assessment Discover Careers that Fit You
Relationship between the personality types and Holland's Hexagon Relationship between the personality types and environments. Personality types closest to each other are more alike than those farther away Realistic Conventional Investigative Artistic Enterprising Social
Activity 1 The characteristics of each Holland’s Codes are described at: http://www.careerkey.org/asp/your_personalit y/hollands_6_personalitys.html Review your Personality Characteristics
Activity 2 Discover who you are, what your skills and abilities are, and then find a career that fits you. Read and print a copy of this for yourself to bring back to class after the break. http://www.soicc.state.nc.us/SOICC/planning/hco des.htm
Activity Pairs Use Discover... a career that fits you Use your Life Line from Yesterday Draw out examples of Times you used Skills that matched your Personality (Record) e.g. Jennifer: Peer Counselling Course
Keirsey http://www.keirsey.com/ Using Computer Lab Take Free Assessment Print Return to Class
Keirsey Activity(s) Review core characteristics. List 3 on workbook Record examples of times you demonstrated each Share in Pairs Share 1 example each with group