Colonial Settlement
Work with your partner to create an organizational chart that outlines the manner in which the plantation system developed in colonial settlements Use pages Include key social, political, and economic points (categorize this material as you work)
West Indies are controlled by various European nations Reliance on slave labor (financial reasons) Produced a range of crops – sugar most labor intensive Africans and American born decedents outnumbered Europeans Cultural basis for new American society
Allowed specialization of agriculture Financed commercial and manufacturing expansion Slave Labor Royal Monopolies Expensive Inefficient Government Control
Capitalism Large financial institutions invested in Atlantic trade Mercantilism Countries trade only with their motherland country Accept silver/gold in exchange for products Economic Growth
European nations created chartered companies to handle trade between the colonies and the mother land This essentially is a monopoly Used military to defend a nations trade
5+ lines How were the economies of England, France & the Netherlands impacted by the changes taking place in the production/trade of colonial products?