DO NOW – 10/5/15 Write a response in CN on the following question: 1)Be ready to watch the trailer from the documentary “My So-Called Enemy” 2)When you.


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Presentation transcript:

DO NOW – 10/5/15 Write a response in CN on the following question: 1)Be ready to watch the trailer from the documentary “My So-Called Enemy” 2)When you watch a film for class, what are some techniques that you have to practice while watching? 1)Be ready to watch the trailer from the documentary “My So-Called Enemy” 2)When you watch a film for class, what are some techniques that you have to practice while watching?

Topic / Objective & Essential Question Topic / Objective: 1) To analyze the choices regarding structure and juxtaposition in a short film trailer. Essential Question: 1) How does an author’s choices help us to identify his purpose? Topic / Objective: 1) To analyze the choices regarding structure and juxtaposition in a short film trailer. Essential Question: 1) How does an author’s choices help us to identify his purpose?

HomeworkHomework 1) If you didn’t turn in your journal on Friday, please do so now. 2) Continue reading your independent, literature circle book, according to your reading schedule. 3) If you didn’t complete the WS from Friday, submit by tomorrow. 1) If you didn’t turn in your journal on Friday, please do so now. 2) Continue reading your independent, literature circle book, according to your reading schedule. 3) If you didn’t complete the WS from Friday, submit by tomorrow.

My So-Called Enemy 1)We’re going to watch this film trailer two times. 2)The first viewing is to preview today’s topic; second viewing will serve analysis. 1)We’re going to watch this film trailer two times. 2)The first viewing is to preview today’s topic; second viewing will serve analysis.

My So-Called Enemy 1)Keep your “Collections” text out (page 13). 2)Read background notes on page 13. 3)As you watch, consider the choices the director makes about arranging shots and including media such as music and on- screen text.

TURN AND TALK (2 min) 1) Discuss the overall feeling or impression you take from the trailer. Give one example of something that the director did that helped create an impression of the film.

Before the second viewing... Key Vocab: 1)Structure – refers to how an author or director arranges ideas, images, events, in a story. 2)Juxtaposition – the placement of elements (pictures, texts, etc.) near each other.

Start the clip again (up to 1:05) 1) This time, watch for the purpose of answering this question: Q: What is the director’s purpose? Write an answer in your notes.

Turn to page 14 in “Collections” 1)Make a boxed chart similar to the one on page 14. 2)Let’s fill in the first box together: the order of some events. 1)Make a boxed chart similar to the one on page 14. 2)Let’s fill in the first box together: the order of some events.

Order of Events in the film (1 min’ish) 1)News images and reports of the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict 2)Texting between Gal and Rezan 3)Flashback to seven years – U.S., Bridgeton NJ 4)Footage of young teens discussing the conflict. 1)News images and reports of the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict 2)Texting between Gal and Rezan 3)Flashback to seven years – U.S., Bridgeton NJ 4)Footage of young teens discussing the conflict.

Order of Events in the film (1 min’ish) 1)How does the order of events create a juxtaposition? 2)How does this juxtaposition lead to the author’s purpose? 1)How does the order of events create a juxtaposition? 2)How does this juxtaposition lead to the author’s purpose?

Finish watching the film Answer these questions in CN – “Summary” 1)How does the order of events create a juxtaposition? 2)How does this juxtaposition lead to the author’s purpose? Answer these questions in CN – “Summary” 1)How does the order of events create a juxtaposition? 2)How does this juxtaposition lead to the author’s purpose?