FIRST OF ALL We have to download DOSBOX application from LMS site.
We have already installed NASM assembler in C:\ directory Our first code “ex01.asm” has been saved in the “C:\assembly” directory
After installing DOSBOX, You will get a DOSBOX shortcut on your desktop.
After opening DOSBOX, you will get an interface like this.
First of all, you have to mount the c:\assembly folder. For that you have to type “mount m: c:\assembly” And press enter
Now C:\assembly has been mounted on m: drive
Now change your current directory to m: You have to write “m:” and press enter
Current directory has been changed from Z: to M:
Now we are going to assemble our first code that we have saved in C:\assembly drive named as “ex01.asm” Just type the command “nasm ex01.asm –o ex01.com –l ex01.lst” And press enter.
Our code has been assembled without any error
Now we have to run AFD using DOSBOX. We have just written the command “afd ex01.com” And press enter.
Debugger has been opened
After assembling “ex01.asm”. “ex01.com” and “ex01.lst” files has been created
In order to view you “ex01.lst” file We have to use “type” command
EDIT COMMAND In case of DOSBOX, if you want to make some changes in “.lst” file using “edit” command as we did in pure NASM. You have to make changes in main “.asm” file. For example: –If you want to edit “ex01.lst” you have to edit manually “ex01.asm”.