Jae-Young Yu Dept. Geol. KNU Applied Geochemistry & Lab
Instructor: Prof. Jae-Young Yu RM 212, Natural Sci. Bld. 3 TEL: (250) Web: Office hours: anytime available General Information(1/4)
TEXT: None Supplementary: Geochemical Thermodynamics (Nordstrom & Munoz, 1985, Benjamin Cummings), Principles and Application of Inorganic Geochemistry (Faure, 1991, McMillan), Others (Will be recommended whenever necessary) Lecture Home: anced_Geochemistry_N_Lab anced_Geochemistry_N_Lab General Information(2/4)
Outlines: This course is for those students who already took (Introduction to) Geochemistry, dealing with more advanced contents of Geochemistry, including phase equilibria, thermodynamics of the solutions, softwares in geochemistry, redox reactions, and much more.. Type of Class: Lecture + Discussion + Lab work (probably solving the problems) General Information(3/4)
Grading Midterm(30%)+Final(30%)+Lab(30%)+Attd(10%) General Information(4/4)
Week # Contents 1Introduction. Phase equilibria in a simple system 2Thermodynamics of the solutions: Basics 3Solid solution vs. Exsolution 4Geothermometer and geobarometer 5T-X diagram: Formation of calcsilicate minerals 6Usage of softwares: GE0CALC, SUPCRT, etc 7Weathering 8Midterm Exam. 9Solubility diagram: Fe, Al, and trace element system 10Eh-pH diagram 11Equilibrium modeling of natural water 12Adsorption/desorption 13Introduction to Organic geochemistry 14Introduction to Biogeochemistry & Geomicrobiology 15Final examination Schedule