Skyline High School Science Department Course Offerings For school year Christine Wieland Currently: Biology and Biodiversity and Lab Concepts Past: Lab Methods Chemistry and Physics, IB Biology, Chemistry Steve Vernon Currently: Chemistry and Lab Methods (Chemistry and Physics) Past: Biology, IB Biology 2 Department Chair: Rebecca Fowler, IB Physics Higher Level (HL)
Science Program of Studies Choice of course sequencing may depend on one or more of the following: Graduation Requirements— 3 lab science credits to graduate University Entrance Requirements Recommendations: ◦ 9 th Grade: Biology ◦ Before Graduation: a balance of life science and physical science experiences ◦ 4 year Universities: One full year of each Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Science Program of Studies Graduation Requirements: ◦ Meeting Standard on the Biology End-of-Course Exam ◦ Three Laboratory-Based science courses
Science Program of Studies University Entrance Requirements- Check with the Universities you are interested in: ◦ WA Universities (and many others) require that at least one of your HS lab sciences MUST be an algebra- based course (Chemistry/IB Chemistry or Physics/IB Physics) ◦ For incoming science majors, they recommend at least three courses. ◦ 1 year of each: Biology, Chemistry and Physics (general or IB) ◦ As a department, we highly recommend at least 4 years of science for any student planning on attending a 4-year university after high school graduation.
Recommended High School Science Courses: A snapshot Recommended High School Science Courses: A snapshot Academic Institution High School Science course requirements Additional Information Stanford Three or more years of laboratory science (including biology, chemistry and physics). “We expect applicants to pursue a reasonably challenging curriculum, choosing courses from among the most demanding courses available at your school” Bellevue Community College Any applicant who has graduated from high school, or is 16 or 17 years old with a proof of a GED completion, or is 18 years of age or older University of Washington 3 years of lab-based science (Core 24 requirements) One or more of the credits must be from an algebra-based science course MIT Minimum of: -One year of high school physics -One year of high school chemistry -One year of high school biology ONE MODEL DOES NOT FIT ALL!!!
District Science Recommendation Information Please visit the following district web page for more information on courses and recommendations: core/science/high
General Biology This course prepares students to take the Biology End of Course Exam required for graduation. It is recommended that all students take Biology their 9 th grade year. (unless taken in 8 th grade)
General Biology Foundational Science Skills Developed: Measurement and graphical skills Inquiry Process Writing Lab safety Lab equipment use and technique (Microscope, Gel Electrophoresis Equipment, probeware) Foundational Biology content used in upper level Biology courses ◦ (IB Biology; IB Environmental Systems and Society; IB Exercise Science; general Environmental Systems)
9 th Grade Alternative to Biology: Biodiversity and Laboratory Concepts Preparation for General Biology ◦ Students will be identified (hand picked) for this course. If you think your student is a candidate for such a course, please contact your student’s 8 th grade counselor.
9 th Grade Alternative to Biology: Biodiversity and Laboratory Concepts For Students who are not quite ready for a high school science class. ◦ Criteria: In a “support “ Algebra 1 class Has struggled with Reading and/or Writing. Science in middle school-skills and/or content.
Math Level Recommendations If you have already passed biology and WILL be in Algebra 1 next year, we recommend that you consider one of the following choices: ◦ Lab Methods: Chemistry ◦ Lab Methods: Physics
Lab Methods: Physics and Chemistry These courses offer content foundational for all upper level Chemistry and Physics courses (general or IB). This course is recognized by the NCAA as a lab-based science course.
Lab Methods: (Chemistry or Physics ) Who should consider taking these courses? - Students who have already taken Biology AND who got less than a B in Algebra 1 OR will be enrolled in Algebra 1. - Incoming freshmen who would like more support before taking upper level chemistry or physics courses. Each course is a one semester, 0.5 credit course. However, it is recommended that they be taken together in the same year to fulfill one full credit of a laboratory based science course.
CHEMISTRY LABORATORY METHODS What will I learn in this course? CONTENT: Fundamental concepts of chemistry, such as… …relationship between atomic structure and periodic trends …chemical bonding …chemical and nuclear reactions SKILLS: Fundamental laboratory techniques and lab safety Increased use of metric units and conversion techniques Use of laboratory equipment for data collection and manipulation Scientific communication through technical writing
PHYSICS LABORATORY METHODS What will I learn in this course? Content: Fundamental concepts of physics, such as… …kinematics …dimensional analysis …applications of Newton’s Laws and energy transformation Skills: Fundamental laboratory techniques and lab safety Increased use of metric units and conversion techniques Graphical analysis and interpretation fundamentals Use of electronic tools for data collection and manipulation Scientific communication through technical writing
Chemistry/Physics Lab Methods Self-Assessment Tool Available at link below to assist in determining the appropriate science placement for your student’s 10 th grade year after taking Biology (I.e. Should your student take Lab Methods Chemistry/Physics or General Chemistry or Physics?) Issaquah District Website: ◦ Chemistry/Physics Lab Methods Self- Assessment Tool Chemistry/Physics Lab Methods Self- Assessment Tool
Math Level Recommendations If you have already passed Biology, and WILL be in Geometry next year, and earned at least a B in Algebra 1 last year, we recommend that you consider one of the following choices: ◦ Lab Methods: Chemistry ◦ Lab Methods: Physics ◦ Environmental Systems ◦ Chemistry ◦ Astronomy
Lab Based; no Algebra requirement Lots of hands-on data collection experience in Skyline’s outdoor forest and pond lab Project-based learning and real-world applications. Soil / Plant Growth Manipulations Plant Identification Real world / Current information and topics General Environmental Systems
Biodiversity Native Ecology Ethnobotany Ecosystems Biomes Ecological Succession Populations Water Water Quality Ocean Currents Tides Earth Soil Studies Earthquakes Volcanoes Plate Tectonics Climate Weather Climate Change Energy Sustainability General Environmental Systems What do you learn?
General Chemistry Learning Recommendations Chemistry Lab Methods and General Biology A grade of B or better in Algebra 1 and concurrent enrollment in Geometry or Algebra 2. Proficient in the use of computer software for word processing and spreadsheets. Proficient in lab technique, problem solving and critical thinking. General Description Emphasis on lab skills and scientific inquiry. Emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving. Chemistry is a quantitative science and students do a significant amount of math. This is a lab-based and algebra based science course.
General Chemistry Fun Experiments Make a GOLD PENNY. Hot Air Balloons Chemical Change Lab Heating Curve for Water Unknown Puzzle Lab Topics Covered Atomic Structure and Compounds Chemical Reactions. Stoichiometry— quantitative relationships in chemical reactions. Energy Relationships Chemical Equilibrium Solution Chemistry Gas Laws
Intermediate science course with emphasis in: ◦ Upper level science lab skills ◦ Inquiry investigations ◦ Mathematics applications in science ◦ Team based projects ◦ Critical thinking and problem solving ◦ Communication through scientific reading and writing ◦ Student lead research projects Why Take It? ◦ Great preparation for upper level sciences OR a great class to take if you love science! ◦ Immediately observable science ◦ Get to know how the universe works! ◦ Great exploration into what its like to be an astronomer, astrophysicist, etc.
You will learn: ◦ What’s in our Solar System ◦ History of Astronomy ◦ Space Exploration and Rocketry ◦ Formation of the Solar System and its Bodies ◦ Characteristics of Stars Main Sequence Evolution Post MS Results ◦ Galaxy Morphology ◦ The History of the Universe and its Evidence As time allows: special topics and current events in astronomy and astrophysics You are ready for Astronomy if… ◦ You will be enrolled in geometry or higher ◦ You have successfully completed biology ◦ You have successfully completed the lab methods courses
Math Level Recommendations If you have already passed Biology, and WILL be in Algebra 2 next year, and earned at least a B in Geometry last year, we recommend that you consider one of the following choices: ◦ Lab Methods: Chemistry (semester course) ◦ Lab Methods: Physics (semester course) ◦ Environmental Systems ◦ Chemistry ◦ Astronomy (semester course) ◦ Concepts in Advanced Science (semester course) ◦ Physics
Concepts in Advanced Science Preparation for IB Chemistry and/or IB Physics ◦ This intensive course will cover the contents and skills necessary to be successful in IB Chemistry. 1 Semester Course ◦ It is recommended that Lab Methods Physics or Chemistry is taken the other semester. Learning Recommendations: ◦ In Algebra 2 or higher ◦ NCAA approved as a lab-based and algebra- based science course.
Learning Recommendations: ◦ Knowledge of basic physics principles, such as those covered in Physics Lab Methods or ◦ Have completed Algebra 2 OR are concurrently enrolled in Algebra 2 and have strong math skills ◦ Are ready to work hard, think hard and interact positively with your fellow classmates. ◦ Have the ability to solve problems and create projects as part of a team ◦ Qualifies as a lab-based and algebra-based science. General Physics
Science course options: For when you’re in grades If you will be in Geometry or higher, and you have successfully passed Biology, we recommend that you consider one of the following choices: As a sophomore: Concepts in Adv. Science General Chemistry Astronomy Environmental Systems If you will be in Algebra 2 or higher, we recommend that you also consider: General Physics
Science Course Options: Grades 11 and 12 only In 11 th and 12 th grade only, you may also choose from the following: IB Chemistry 1(SL/HL) (in or completed Algebra 2) IB Physics 1 (HL) (in or completed Algebra 2) IB Biology 1(HL) IB Environmental Systems and Society (SL) IB Exercise Science (SL) *Note: If you choose to take either IB Physics 1 or IB Biology 1 as a senior, there is no IB exam. These are HL courses and require 2 years preparation for the exam.
International Baccalaureate courses Note: ONLY 11 th and 12 th grade students may enroll in these courses! IB Environmental Systems and Societies (SL only) ◦ Taken either grade 11 or 12; standard level test may be taken at end of year ◦ Qualifies as a lab-based science. ◦ Qualifies as Group 3 Credit towards IB Diploma. IB Exercise Science (SL only) ◦ 1year, lab-based science course ◦ Focuses on human anatomy, physiology, and sports medicine ◦ Recommended: have passed biology and at least 1 other science course
International Baccalaureate Course Options Note: ONLY 11 th and 12 th grade students may enroll in these courses! IB Chemistry 1 (Standard Level) ◦ Taken either grade 11 or 12; standard level test may be taken at end of year. ◦ Qualifies as a lab-based and algebra-based science. IB Chemistry 2 (Higher Level) ◦ A 2 nd IB chemistry course—taken by seniors only ◦ Students may take the Higher Level Exam ◦ Qualifies as a lab-based and algebra-based science.
International Baccalaureate Course Options Note: ONLY 11 th and 12 th grade students may enroll in these courses! IB Physics 1 and 2 (Higher Level) ◦ A 2-year course sequence; Higher Level test is taken at the end of the 2 nd year. ◦ Students are allowed to register for only year 1, but no IB test will be available after the first year. ◦ Qualifies as a lab-based and algebra-based science. ◦ Great preparation for all college science courses
International Baccalaureate Course Options Note: ONLY 11 th and 12 th grade students may enroll in these courses! IB Biology 1 and 2 (Higher Level) ◦ A 2-year course sequence; Higher Level test is taken at the end of the 2 nd year. ◦ Students are allowed to register for only year 1, but no IB test will be available after the first year. ◦ Qualifies as a lab-based science.