Body System Jeopardy! Respiratory CirculatoryDigestiveUrinaryNervous Made by Graham, Finn, and Tess
Respiratory for 100 The organ that takes in air (oxygen). What are lungs. Incorrect
Respiratory for 200 Incorrect The muscle that contracts and expands the lungs. What is a diaphgm.
Respiratory for 300 Tiny sacs in the lungs that exchange gasses. Incorrect What are Alveoli.
Respiration for 400 Incorrect The blood vessels that surround the alveoli. What are cappillaries.
Respiration for 500 Incorrect The passage that air goes through to get the lungs. What are bronchi.
Circulatrory Facts for 100 Incorrect Your heart, blood, and blood vessels. What is the cardiovascular system.
Circulatory Facts for 200 Incorrect All the blood returns to the heart form anywhere above the heart. What is the superior vena cava.
Circulatory Facts for 300 Incorrect
Circulatory Facts for 400 Incorrect These are the thinnest passage for blood to flow through in your body. What are capillaries?
Circulatory facts for 500 Incorrect This is the chamber of the heart where blood returns from the body. What is right atrium?
Urinary System For 100 Incorrect Water, urea, and salts that your body gets rid of What is urine
Urinary system facts for 200 Incorrect The tube that connects your bladder to the outside world What is a Uretha?
Urineary System facts for 300 Incorrect The tube that connects your kidneys to your bladder. What are the ureters ?
Urineary System facts for 400 Incorrect Small tubes in the kidneys that filter out waste from your blood What are Nephrons
Urineary System facts for 500 Incorrect Organs that remove liquid watse from your body What is the Excretory System?
Digestive System for 100 Incorrect The 7 meter long organ that absorbs your digested food. What is the small intestine
Digestive system For 200 Incorrect The tube that food goes through from your mouth to the stomach What is the esophagus?
Digestive for 300 Incorrect The combination of broken down food and enzymes after it goes through the stomach. What is Chyme ?
Digestive System for 400 Incorrect The small finger like projections that absorb nutrients from Chyme What is Villi?
Digestive for 500 Incorrect The protective substance that protects your stomach from it’s own acids. What is mucus?
Nervous for 100 Incorrect The main organ of the nervous system What is the brain?
Nervous for 200 Incorrect The difference between atonomic and somatic What is autonomic is without the brain’s control. Somatic is with the brain’s control.
Nervous for 300 Incorrect The process of activating a nerve cell What is stimulate?
Nervous for 400 Incorrect A chemical that connects one nerve cell to another What is a nerotransmitter ?
Nervous facts for 500 Incorrect When the nervous system shuts down and the rest of your body still works What is a comma?