Body Systems
Body Tissue – cells that work together to perform a certain function Organ – several kinds of tissue working together for the same function Organ system – several organs working together to do a job for the body.
Endocrine System The endocrine system - is involved in regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function, and metabolism.
The Endocrine System Thyroid Gland
Glands Gland – an organ in the body that makes a substance the body needs. Secrete – to produce and release liquid.
Glands Endocrine Glands – (ductless) a group of glands that releases chemicals called hormones. These chemicals are released directly from the gland into the blood stream, no duct. Duct glands – (aqueduct)has a duct/channel that carries secretions to specific places in the body. Ex. sweat gland
Puberty Puberty – a time in adolescence that prepares humans for adulthood. Hormones begin the process of puberty. – Hormones – chemical messengers produced and secreted by glands. – Gland – an organ in the body that makes a substance the body needs. – Secrete – to produce and release liquid.
Adrenal gland: a pair of glands near each kidney that secretes adrenalin.
Thyroid gland: the gland responsible for the rate at which cells burn fuel to produce energy. It is located in the lower neck.
Pancreas: an organ involved in the endocrine system that produces a hormone called insulin. Insulin regulates the way the body uses sugar.
Pituitary Gland: a gland in the brain that produces hormones that regulate the hormone production of other glands.
A Cell Receiving Hormones
Review of Body systems * Circulatory/cardiovascular * Digestive * Skeletal * Muscular * Respiratory system * Endocrine
Circulatory System The organ system made up of the heart, blood vessels, and blood that transports materials throughout the body.
Respiratory System The Organ system including the lungs and trachea that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment
Skeletal System The organ system, including the bones, and ligaments, that protects the body and gives it structure.
Muscular System The organ system that includes the muscles and allows the body to move.
Nervous System The organ system including the brain, spinal cored, and nerves that sense your surroundings and controls other organs.
Excretory System The organ system, including the kidneys and bladder, that removes waste materials from the blood.
` Life Cycle Life Cycle – the development of an organism from fertilization to birth, growth, reproduction, and death. – The life cycle of every organism has these 4 main stages 1. Birth – the act of bringing forth offspring. 2. Growth – development; the process of growing. 3. Reproduction – the process by which living things produce offspring. 4. Death – the end of life.
` DNA - carries the genetic information for a cell and is a set of instructions that tells the cell what to do or be. Chromosome – a single long molecule of DNA (x shape).
` Genes pg. 166 Gene – a part of the chromosome that contains DNA
` Genetics pg. 158 Inherited trait – a characteristic passed from parents to their offspring. Dominate trait – a strong trait that appears even if the organisms has only one factor. Recessive trait – a trait that appears only if an organism has two factors. Hidden trait – a trait that an organism carries, but is not expressed.
Inherited Trait VS Learned Behavior Identify learned behaviors (mark with L), an innate behavior-instincts (mark with I), and inherited traits (mark with T) from the examples below. 1. ___I__ humans jump at a loud sound 2. ___L__ folding laundry 3. ___L__ cooking dinner 4. __L___ riding a bike 5. __L___ being kind 6. ___T__ having brown fur 7. __I___ a fish swimming 8. ___L__ bird speaking English 9. ___I__ turtles building nest 10. __I___ monarch butterfly migrating 11. __L___ humans avoiding rattle snake 12. __T___ snakes having a long tongue 13. __I___ baby seals calling for mother 14. ___T__ fruit flies with long wings 15. __I___ dung beetle making a dung ball 16. ___I__ earthworm digging in dirt 17. ___L__ playing soccer 18. __L___ being funny
Punnett Square – shows possible combinations of genes