TSA Multimedia Challenge Loni Albrecht
What Is TSA? Through TSA students explore their technological potential and dreams. Students will learn how to control and manipulate technology.
Why Would I Be Interested In TSA? One of the great things about TSA is that it is open to anyone. TSA is designed for students with a wide range of interests. They have events ranging from agriculture and biotechnology to dragster design and technological writing.
Why be in TSA? Students in TSA will have an advantage when they go to high school and college. Students who participate in TSA will have more experience in pursuing opportunities in college and engineering fields. These students will gain competitive advantages in computer and technology at their school. Participants learn to competently demonstrate and articulate ideas and evolving technologies. The TSA National Officer Team
What Is The Goal Of TSA? The goal of TSA is to create leaders who can successfully use, manage, and manipulate technology to their own needs. Another goal of TSA is to allow students to learn while enjoying themselves and making new friends.
Is TSA Fun? TSA is fun and entertaining because you get to meet people from across the nation. Imagine hearing your name amongst hundreds of people and realizing that you have won. Students will compete for trophies and recognition.
Where Will We Go Next? While in TSA students will compete at regional, state, and national competitions. They will also get the opportunity to win trophies and scholarships. This year will mark TSA’s 30 th national conference. It will be held in Orlando, Florida June 28 th to July 2 nd.
See You At Nationals June 28 th -July 2 nd, Orlando FL.