Seagrass Management Amendment 4 to the Corals and Reef Associated Invertebrates FMP (Coral FMP) 144 th Council Meeting December 19-20, 2012
Action: Modify management of seagrass species in the Coral FMP Alternative 1. No action. Alternative 2. Prohibit the harvest of seagrass species. Sub-Alt. 2(a). Prohibit harvest and establish ACL= 0. Sub-Alt. 2(b). Prohibit harvest and establish ACL > 1 lbs ww to account for harvest associated with scientific research*, exempted fishing, or exempted educational activities as described in 50 C.F.R. § Alternative 3. Designate seagrasses as Ecosystem Component species. Alternative 4. Remove seagrass species from the Coral FMP. PREFERRED
CODIFIED TEXT Carib Seagrass PR codified_v2.docx Carib Seagrass PR codified_v2.docx
Timeline February 6, 2013: Publish Notice of Availability of Amendment 60-day comment period February 25, 2013: Publish Proposed Rule 30-day comment period May 31, 2013: Publish Final Rule 30-day cooling period July 1, 2013: Final Rule effective
CFMC 144 Final Action
Action: Remove all species of seagrass from the Coral FMP. Not targeted either from the EEZ or from PR and USVI state waters There is no commercial or recreational harvest of seagrasses in federal or state waters and future harvest is not anticipated Identified seagrass meadows are more common in state waters of Puerto Rico and the USVI Removal from Coral FMP would not affect EFH and HAPC designation Compliant with the MSA