SPR PART B From the perspective of a Research Program Manager with three years experience Michael Bufalino Oregon DOT, Research Manager July 25, 2015
§ (b) … I (name of certifying official), (position title), of the State (Commonwealth) of ____, do hereby certify that the State (Commonwealth) is in compliance with all requirements of 23 U.S.C. 307 and its implementing regulations with respect to the research, development and technology transfer program, and contemplate no changes in statutes, regulations, or administrative procedures which would affect such compliance.
BIANNUAL SPR WORK PROGRAM FY’ 2014 was in good shape when I took over (But I still missed some details) FY’ 2015 technically complete. Still focusing on the research August FHWA Program Review Increased Coordination with FHWA Division Office Increased Focus on Compliance FY’ 2016 Complete, Timely, and Compliant Three years of experance
WORK PROGRAM CHANGES Increased Attention to Permitted ActivitiesWorking with Universities Regarding SchedulesUpdated BudgetsCompliance Appendix
“As indicated in Figure 1, no Division or State we visited appeared to have complete awareness of what constituted full compliance with the regulations we tested.” Adapted From: FHWA Program Review- SPR Subpart B Research Program - FINAL REPORT, November 26, 2014
Benefits Improved Utility of Work ProgramFaster Approvals ODOT Internal Accounting Better Understanding of Compliance
Thank you