W EEK 1-5
T UESDAY S EPTEMBER 23 RD 2013 Section: Warm-up Instructions: Pick out the adjectives in the following sentences. 1. The heavy, red dress of Queen Elizabeth weighed over fifty pounds. 2. My sister chose two shirts for my graduation present. 3. That small Mexican restaurant in the next block serves fresh meals. 4. The little black dog barked at the well-dressed stranger. 5. An old wood fence had caught several discarded candy wrappers.
W ARM - UP Answers: 1. The, heavy, red, fifty. 2. My, two, my, graduation 3. That, small, Mexican, the, next, fresh 4. The, little, black, the, well-dressed 5. An, old, wood, several, discarded, candy
Objective: Review Simile and metaphor and understand extended metaphor Agenda Warm-up Grades Due Overview Metaphor/extended metaphor notes
O BJECTIVE : R EVIEW S IMILE AND METAPHOR AND UNDERSTAND EXTENDED METAPHOR Grades Due overview Annotated Bibliography Extended metaphor assignment Metaphor quiz Warm-ups ****Remember 5 pgs. Are due next week!!!!!!!
O PENING P ARAGRAPH Opening should tell what you are going to write about It should state your points(3 small, or 1 big) Do not use phrases like “I think”, or “I feel”…..STATE YOUR OPINIONS AS FACTS!!!
C LOSING P ARAGRAPH Should restate what you said in the opening in a different way. Should not include any points not in the opening Should look similar to opening
P RACTICE : Now you try. Using the paragraph worksheet given. Write an opening, and closing paragraph concerning the following topic: One of the highest paying professions in this country is a Professional athlete. Professional athletes can make anywhere from $466,000 to 56 million dollars in one contract. While the average middle class income is $35,000 Per Year. Think about how much athletes get paid. Write an essay explaining whether or not athletes deserve to be paid what they do.
T HURSDAY O CTOBER 28 TH 2012 Section: Vocabulary and Spelling Write the sentences, and fill in the blanks 1. Mrs. D is very__________ about us having all of our work in a 5 subject spiral 2. I could tell by her________________that she was not having a good day. 3. An antonym for________________is being very careful or cautious. Objective: Build vocabulary understanding Develop writing skill
O BJECTIVE : D EVELOP WRITING SKILL THROUGH PEER CRITIQUE DEVELOP VOCABULARY UNDERSTANDING Agenda Warm-up Peer edit of paper CHECK “YO” SELF Did I do a Reading Reaction? Do I know those vocabulary words? AM I FAILING!!!!!! How many pages of my writer’s notebook do I have?
O BJECTIVE : D EVELOP WRITING SKILL THROUGH PEER EDITING DEVELOP VOCABULARY UNDERSTANDING Instructions: You are to have 2 of your classmates read and critique your paper. They are to write down any notes for improvement on the peer editing worksheet. The peer editing work sheet, boxes rough draft sheet, and final draft are all do together tomorrow for 1GRADE!!!!!!
F RIDAY S EPTEMBER 28 TH 2012 Log on to LMS click on first six weeks, and find vocabulary quiz. If you do not have a laptop, wait for a shoulder partner to finish, and borrow their computer. GRADES DUE: Reading Reaction Final Draft(peer edit page, draft boxes page, final copy)
W RITER ’ S N OTEBOOK What do you have to do between now and graduation to make sure that you are successful in reaching your goals