Wendy Hamann Third Grade Granite Elementary
Principles of rights and responsibilities Classroom Community Country Objective I Patriotic symbols Right vs. Responsibility Characteristics of Great Americans
Math Historical timeline Reading Biography on selected G.A. Writing Great American Report Drama Wax Museum
Awareness of patriotic symbols of the United States Ability to Identify the American Flag Recite the Pledge of Allegiance Write sentence Identify Colors Read at a GR Level K Basic Computer skills
22 students 8-9 years old 8 girls 14 boys Student Breakdown 4 above grade level ability in math and LA 11 on grade level 5 below grade level ability in math and LA 2 Spicy behavioral issues 1 ESL 1 Resource
Mild Class No internal leader Can complete tasks Do not look for opportunities to create their own knowledge
Attitude About School
Knew most about Pledge of Allegiance Abraham Lincoln Neil Armstrong Responsibility of citizens Rights of citizens George Washington
Knew Least about Betsy Ross Lewis and Clark Sacagawea
Characteristics Smart Stood up for something Respectful Brave Did not need to be Able to sing Famous Athletic Sacrifice something
6 Lessons Patriotic Symbols – Flag Pledge of Allegiance – Meaning Rights and Responsibilities Great American Characteristics Great American Report Wax Museum
Patriotic Symbols Students Identify Flag Symbols and Meanings Star – States Stripes – 13 Colonies Red – Valor, Honor, Bravery, Courage White – Innocent, Purity Blue – Justice, Perseverance
Enjoyed building on prior knowledge Engaging Brainstormed great list of words 90% of the students successfully completed the activity
Better visual media of different symbols Use webbing program to brainstorm Give time for small groups to brainstorm Supply thin black marker for words Honor – Loyalty – Justice
Students compare rights to responsibilities Define rights and responsibilities Identify different communities they are citizens Practice with Domino game
Students Loved Brain Pop, Jr video Very informative Great introduction of material at grade level More difficult concept Students felt everything was a right Wanted more time to play dominos Needed help telling the difference between a right and a responsibility
Schedule 2 days Find a worksheet to practice identifying right and responsibility More time to play dominos Assess by observing students playing the game
The unit built nicely lesson to lesson covering required material Students were connected to the subject Some material must be simplified to make grade level appropriate Due to lessons on rights and responsibilities and characteristics of a Great American Student pick appropriate people to honor in our wax museum
How I will use Collection of needed material Worksheets Audio visual Books