2016-2017 Professional Development Options Dr. Heather Cruz, Deputy Superintendent February 25, 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Professional Development Options Dr. Heather Cruz, Deputy Superintendent February 25, 2016

Attract and Retain Effective Teachers Time ResourcesCompensation

2016 – 2017 Proposal 5 Full Day PD Days – District-based – Same as this year 9 Late Start Days – School-based – Would replace early release PD days – 90 minutes – Mondays Budget neutral

2016 – 2017 Proposal Would still have early release days on – Parent/Teacher Conference Days – Mylife days – End of each semester Breakfast and lunch would be served Childcare available – Kid Zone – Glendale schools – Peoria AM/PM – Peoria schools

How Are We Able to Do This? Arizona Revised Statute – This law was revised a few years ago to allow students to meet instructional hours OR instructional days within a school year – Number of instructional hours required for each grade band: 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd = 712 hours 4 th, 5 th, 6 th = 890 hours 7 th, 8 th – 1,000 hours High School = 720 hours

2016 – 2017 PDD Dates Full Day (District-Based) September 6 th January 17 th February 21 st March 17 th April 17 th Late Start (School-Based) August 22 nd September 26 th October 24 th November 7 th December 12 th January 30 th March 6 th April 24 th May 8 th

Feedback Peoria United Parent Council Parent Dinner Association Advisory Site Administrators Other districts
